
目前顯示的是 9月 21, 2018的文章

What is a natural French phrase for 'As if I could find them in just about any shop!'

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 2 down vote favorite Having consulted the online dictionaries, I tried to come up with a French phrase for 'As if I could find them in just about any shop!', but I can't think of an appropriate phrase describing the difficulty in finding some sold-out products which my friend would like to get her hands on. I would like to say a thing like this. As if I could find them in just about any shop! I'd like to make her happy, but going all over the city to look for them?! expressions anglais formulation-idiomatique share | improve this question edited Sep 8 at 13:01 Stéphane Gimenez ♦ 25k 11 53 129 asked Sep 8 at 12:22 Elen1x 176 1 7 add a comment  |  up vote 2 down vote favorite Having consulted the online dictionaries, I tried to come up with a French phrase for 'As if I could find them in just about any shop!', but I can't thi...