
目前顯示的是 9月 22, 2018的文章

How to disable the brightness slider in the Gnome 3 aggregate menu?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 3 down vote favorite I have a desktop with a UPS connected to it. In the Gnome menu where I can log off I have another slider below the volume slider which appears to be the brightness slider and it doesn't work nor did I expect it to work. How can I remove this or how can I tell Gnome that, yes my computer has a battery but that doesn't mean it's a laptop or that brightness controls work with these monitors. I checked all extensions offered for brightness on the Gnome website, looked at Gnome help and checked all I can find in dconf editor under /org/gnome, no luck. Edit: I found this repository: https://github.com/dffischer/gnome-aggregatemenu-hider I installed waf but but the hider fails to build: $ ./waf --targets=Brightness configure build Setting top to : gnome-aggregatemenu-hider Setting out to : gnome-aggregatemenu-hider/build 'configure' finished successfully (0.004s) Waf: Entering directory `gnome-aggrega...

Reproducing the Periodic Table of Arguments in Latex

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 24 down vote favorite 2 I have to draw the Periodic Table of Arguments by Jean Wagemans in LaTeX. In practice, the result should be something like this. I tried to use the source code of examples of the classic Periodic Table of Chemical Elements but in vain. So, I tried myself to write the code from scratch. My main problem regards the alignment between the element squares, which are aligned on the text in the middle of the square, instead of the square itself. This is my output of the alpha quadrant: This is how it should be: Can you help me to obtain a result closer to the original? This is my source code: documentclass[a4paper]amsart usepackagetikz usetikzlibraryshapes.geometric usetikzlibrarycalc usetikzlibrarypositioning % ----------------------------- begindocument begintikzpicture[square/.style=regular polygon,regular polygon sides=4] % 1 alpha FF Sig node at (0.2,0.2) [square, draw, anchor=south west, minimum size=...