Are there types of Unix shells? [closed]

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I found there are shells like nologin, false, and true. What else are there?

I don't know what is the correct keyword to be used to list the shells. Whenever I search using the keywords linux shell types, I get results in the context of illustrating differences between bash, csh, zsh, and the others.

What is the correct keyword to be used to find more about this subject?

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closed as too broad by Thomas Dickey, l0b0, RalfFriedl, steve, Thomas Sep 9 at 15:34

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 1

    Nope. Not a duplicate to the question you listed. The question you listed asks about the difference between nologin and false. This is totally different from my question which is about what else are there?
    – joker
    Sep 9 at 10:48

  • Possible duplicate of What's the difference between /sbin/nologin and /bin/false
    – Fólkvangr
    Sep 9 at 11:43

  • That's a duplicate comment of a possible duplicate.
    – joker
    Sep 9 at 18:30

up vote
down vote


I found there are shells like nologin, false, and true. What else are there?

I don't know what is the correct keyword to be used to list the shells. Whenever I search using the keywords linux shell types, I get results in the context of illustrating differences between bash, csh, zsh, and the others.

What is the correct keyword to be used to find more about this subject?

share|improve this question

closed as too broad by Thomas Dickey, l0b0, RalfFriedl, steve, Thomas Sep 9 at 15:34

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 1

    Nope. Not a duplicate to the question you listed. The question you listed asks about the difference between nologin and false. This is totally different from my question which is about what else are there?
    – joker
    Sep 9 at 10:48

  • Possible duplicate of What's the difference between /sbin/nologin and /bin/false
    – Fólkvangr
    Sep 9 at 11:43

  • That's a duplicate comment of a possible duplicate.
    – joker
    Sep 9 at 18:30

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


I found there are shells like nologin, false, and true. What else are there?

I don't know what is the correct keyword to be used to list the shells. Whenever I search using the keywords linux shell types, I get results in the context of illustrating differences between bash, csh, zsh, and the others.

What is the correct keyword to be used to find more about this subject?

share|improve this question

I found there are shells like nologin, false, and true. What else are there?

I don't know what is the correct keyword to be used to list the shells. Whenever I search using the keywords linux shell types, I get results in the context of illustrating differences between bash, csh, zsh, and the others.

What is the correct keyword to be used to find more about this subject?

linux shell login

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edited Sep 9 at 14:19




asked Sep 9 at 10:19




closed as too broad by Thomas Dickey, l0b0, RalfFriedl, steve, Thomas Sep 9 at 15:34

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

closed as too broad by Thomas Dickey, l0b0, RalfFriedl, steve, Thomas Sep 9 at 15:34

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 1

    Nope. Not a duplicate to the question you listed. The question you listed asks about the difference between nologin and false. This is totally different from my question which is about what else are there?
    – joker
    Sep 9 at 10:48

  • Possible duplicate of What's the difference between /sbin/nologin and /bin/false
    – Fólkvangr
    Sep 9 at 11:43

  • That's a duplicate comment of a possible duplicate.
    – joker
    Sep 9 at 18:30

  • 1

    Nope. Not a duplicate to the question you listed. The question you listed asks about the difference between nologin and false. This is totally different from my question which is about what else are there?
    – joker
    Sep 9 at 10:48

  • Possible duplicate of What's the difference between /sbin/nologin and /bin/false
    – Fólkvangr
    Sep 9 at 11:43

  • That's a duplicate comment of a possible duplicate.
    – joker
    Sep 9 at 18:30



Nope. Not a duplicate to the question you listed. The question you listed asks about the difference between nologin and false. This is totally different from my question which is about what else are there?
– joker
Sep 9 at 10:48

Nope. Not a duplicate to the question you listed. The question you listed asks about the difference between nologin and false. This is totally different from my question which is about what else are there?
– joker
Sep 9 at 10:48

Possible duplicate of What's the difference between /sbin/nologin and /bin/false
– Fólkvangr
Sep 9 at 11:43

Possible duplicate of What's the difference between /sbin/nologin and /bin/false
– Fólkvangr
Sep 9 at 11:43

That's a duplicate comment of a possible duplicate.
– joker
Sep 9 at 18:30

That's a duplicate comment of a possible duplicate.
– joker
Sep 9 at 18:30

5 Answers




up vote
down vote

nologin, false, and true, are not shells, they are just ways to prevent login. This leaves the ones ending in sh. So searching in /bin, /usr/bin, etc will help find most that are installed.

Then there is the problem of “what is a shell?” is python, purl, tcl, etc. a shell? Well probably not, but where is the division line? As true, false, and nologin do not interpreters (do not take user input, are not languages, etc), then they are definitely on the not-a-shell side of the line.

However the login shell dose not have to be a shell, it does not even have to be interactive.

You could search on the interweb, using your favorite search engine, for Unix shells.

share|improve this answer

  • I understand that nologin, false, and true are actually shells and they are used to prevent users from logging in. There is a git shell as well; and it is a shell.
    – joker
    Sep 9 at 10:58

  • 5

    No, they are not shells. false is just a program that does absolutely nothing and immediately exits with a non-zero exit code. true is just a program that does absolutely nothing and immediately exits with a zero exit code. nologin is just a program that does almost nothing, only printing a little message, and then immediately exits. In fact, not being shells is what makes them prevent users from logging in. When you try to use them as shells, it won't work. That's how this works.
    – Jörg W Mittag
    Sep 9 at 11:41

up vote
down vote

I found there are shells like nologin, false, and true. What else are there?

These are not shells, as @ctrl-alt-delor already pointed out.

I don't know what to type to list the shells.

You can't get an exhaustive list of all the shells that exist. That would be like asking for a list of all the pieces of software that exist.

Whenever I search with linux shell types (and the likes), I get results in the context of illustrating differences between bash, csh, zsh, and the others you know.

Which is really handy, because these are popular shells you are likely to encounter.

What is the keyword to use to learn more about the subject?

"shell" is also sometimes referred to as a "REPL", "command-line interpreter" or "command language interpreter".

share|improve this answer

    up vote
    down vote

    This is a question where the answer is complicated. What most people call a "shell" is a Read-Eval-Print Loop and therefore, even a python interpreter is a shell, provided you are running python interactively. However, this would mean that nologin is not a real shell! So what is a shell?

    Technically speaking, any program can be used as a shell. In fact, here are a few pictures of me using unusual shells:

    1. Python shell as the login shell

    2. Nano as a shell (though you can't distinguish between it being run normally, since it's fullscreen)

    3. Cat running as a shell

    4. Top running as a shell (even though you, again, can't see it being a shell)

    5. And a hello world program!

    However, this isn't what you'd expect to be running as shells. Usually, you'll want to be running one of the shells in /etc/shells. For example, mine contains:

    # /etc/shells: valid login shells

    and none of the shells I mentioned previously! So why do they run?

    To put it simply, they do, but only locally. If you look at the shells manpage with man shells, you will discover that /etc/shells is mostly used by programs such as FTP daemons. This is why you don't see the nologin shell in /etc/shells: It prevents login to FTP and other non-login daemons by not being there, while preventing login locally by being a simple printf("This account is currently not available"); program, and not a REPL.

    So, to answer your question: There is only one type of shell, and that is executable. If you can run a program, it's a shell.

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      To make the point in the other answers more explicit: There's nothing special about "a shell". This

      I understand that nologin, false, and true are actually shells and they are used to prevent users from logging in

      is not true: false and true just happened to be programs that were already available on early Unix systems (and they were used in other contexts). What happened is that there was the situation where there were user accounts that didn't correspond to an actual user. So the question was what to put into the "shell" field in /etc/passwd. Because you can put in any program there, the early sysadmins thought it was a cute hack (and practical) to just use /bin/false. Later sysadmins thought it was a bit too much of a hack, and wrote nologin (now that they had more harddisk space to use) to better document this intention.

      So: You can use any program as the program that gets spawned when a user logs in. Many programs won't make sense (e.g. when they'd need commandline arguments). Some others will. If you get bored, you can write your own. You don't have to put in any special sauce to make it "a shell".

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        Anything you want.

        A shell is just a TTY application. so anything you can run on a TTY can be a shell.

        One example of an unconventional shell would be a bulletin board service:
        user logs in via ssh or telnet and gets a BBs instead of a command-line

        share|improve this answer

        • … or uucico or sync or …
          – JdeBP
          Sep 9 at 11:18

        • @Jasen: off-topic answer. Moreover, a POSIX shell is a fundamental system software.
          – Fólkvangr
          Sep 9 at 11:41

        • 1

          The idea that this is off-topic is bizarre, and it says the same as all of the other answers do. The only point of confusion is that the answer is echoing the usage of the question, where "shell" is used to mean the class of program that is named in one field of a user record in the account database.
          – JdeBP
          Sep 9 at 20:57

        • @Folkvangr entries starting /usr/bin/ and /usr/local/bin/ can be used in the shell field (you may need to update the list in /etc/shells to enable these) anything in those directories is not fundamental.
          – Jasen
          Sep 10 at 4:42

        • Your answer is incorrect, partial and confusing since you do not determine the context allowing to develop or justifying your point. How do I know that you are talking about /etc/passwd, /etc/shells or that you are declaring that a shell is essentially a TTY application?
          – Fólkvangr
          Sep 10 at 7:18

        5 Answers




        5 Answers










        up vote
        down vote

        nologin, false, and true, are not shells, they are just ways to prevent login. This leaves the ones ending in sh. So searching in /bin, /usr/bin, etc will help find most that are installed.

        Then there is the problem of “what is a shell?” is python, purl, tcl, etc. a shell? Well probably not, but where is the division line? As true, false, and nologin do not interpreters (do not take user input, are not languages, etc), then they are definitely on the not-a-shell side of the line.

        However the login shell dose not have to be a shell, it does not even have to be interactive.

        You could search on the interweb, using your favorite search engine, for Unix shells.

        share|improve this answer

        • I understand that nologin, false, and true are actually shells and they are used to prevent users from logging in. There is a git shell as well; and it is a shell.
          – joker
          Sep 9 at 10:58

        • 5

          No, they are not shells. false is just a program that does absolutely nothing and immediately exits with a non-zero exit code. true is just a program that does absolutely nothing and immediately exits with a zero exit code. nologin is just a program that does almost nothing, only printing a little message, and then immediately exits. In fact, not being shells is what makes them prevent users from logging in. When you try to use them as shells, it won't work. That's how this works.
          – Jörg W Mittag
          Sep 9 at 11:41

        up vote
        down vote

        nologin, false, and true, are not shells, they are just ways to prevent login. This leaves the ones ending in sh. So searching in /bin, /usr/bin, etc will help find most that are installed.

        Then there is the problem of “what is a shell?” is python, purl, tcl, etc. a shell? Well probably not, but where is the division line? As true, false, and nologin do not interpreters (do not take user input, are not languages, etc), then they are definitely on the not-a-shell side of the line.

        However the login shell dose not have to be a shell, it does not even have to be interactive.

        You could search on the interweb, using your favorite search engine, for Unix shells.

        share|improve this answer

        • I understand that nologin, false, and true are actually shells and they are used to prevent users from logging in. There is a git shell as well; and it is a shell.
          – joker
          Sep 9 at 10:58

        • 5

          No, they are not shells. false is just a program that does absolutely nothing and immediately exits with a non-zero exit code. true is just a program that does absolutely nothing and immediately exits with a zero exit code. nologin is just a program that does almost nothing, only printing a little message, and then immediately exits. In fact, not being shells is what makes them prevent users from logging in. When you try to use them as shells, it won't work. That's how this works.
          – Jörg W Mittag
          Sep 9 at 11:41

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        nologin, false, and true, are not shells, they are just ways to prevent login. This leaves the ones ending in sh. So searching in /bin, /usr/bin, etc will help find most that are installed.

        Then there is the problem of “what is a shell?” is python, purl, tcl, etc. a shell? Well probably not, but where is the division line? As true, false, and nologin do not interpreters (do not take user input, are not languages, etc), then they are definitely on the not-a-shell side of the line.

        However the login shell dose not have to be a shell, it does not even have to be interactive.

        You could search on the interweb, using your favorite search engine, for Unix shells.

        share|improve this answer

        nologin, false, and true, are not shells, they are just ways to prevent login. This leaves the ones ending in sh. So searching in /bin, /usr/bin, etc will help find most that are installed.

        Then there is the problem of “what is a shell?” is python, purl, tcl, etc. a shell? Well probably not, but where is the division line? As true, false, and nologin do not interpreters (do not take user input, are not languages, etc), then they are definitely on the not-a-shell side of the line.

        However the login shell dose not have to be a shell, it does not even have to be interactive.

        You could search on the interweb, using your favorite search engine, for Unix shells.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        edited Sep 9 at 11:48

        answered Sep 9 at 10:49




        • I understand that nologin, false, and true are actually shells and they are used to prevent users from logging in. There is a git shell as well; and it is a shell.
          – joker
          Sep 9 at 10:58

        • 5

          No, they are not shells. false is just a program that does absolutely nothing and immediately exits with a non-zero exit code. true is just a program that does absolutely nothing and immediately exits with a zero exit code. nologin is just a program that does almost nothing, only printing a little message, and then immediately exits. In fact, not being shells is what makes them prevent users from logging in. When you try to use them as shells, it won't work. That's how this works.
          – Jörg W Mittag
          Sep 9 at 11:41

        • I understand that nologin, false, and true are actually shells and they are used to prevent users from logging in. There is a git shell as well; and it is a shell.
          – joker
          Sep 9 at 10:58

        • 5

          No, they are not shells. false is just a program that does absolutely nothing and immediately exits with a non-zero exit code. true is just a program that does absolutely nothing and immediately exits with a zero exit code. nologin is just a program that does almost nothing, only printing a little message, and then immediately exits. In fact, not being shells is what makes them prevent users from logging in. When you try to use them as shells, it won't work. That's how this works.
          – Jörg W Mittag
          Sep 9 at 11:41

        I understand that nologin, false, and true are actually shells and they are used to prevent users from logging in. There is a git shell as well; and it is a shell.
        – joker
        Sep 9 at 10:58

        I understand that nologin, false, and true are actually shells and they are used to prevent users from logging in. There is a git shell as well; and it is a shell.
        – joker
        Sep 9 at 10:58



        No, they are not shells. false is just a program that does absolutely nothing and immediately exits with a non-zero exit code. true is just a program that does absolutely nothing and immediately exits with a zero exit code. nologin is just a program that does almost nothing, only printing a little message, and then immediately exits. In fact, not being shells is what makes them prevent users from logging in. When you try to use them as shells, it won't work. That's how this works.
        – Jörg W Mittag
        Sep 9 at 11:41

        No, they are not shells. false is just a program that does absolutely nothing and immediately exits with a non-zero exit code. true is just a program that does absolutely nothing and immediately exits with a zero exit code. nologin is just a program that does almost nothing, only printing a little message, and then immediately exits. In fact, not being shells is what makes them prevent users from logging in. When you try to use them as shells, it won't work. That's how this works.
        – Jörg W Mittag
        Sep 9 at 11:41

        up vote
        down vote

        I found there are shells like nologin, false, and true. What else are there?

        These are not shells, as @ctrl-alt-delor already pointed out.

        I don't know what to type to list the shells.

        You can't get an exhaustive list of all the shells that exist. That would be like asking for a list of all the pieces of software that exist.

        Whenever I search with linux shell types (and the likes), I get results in the context of illustrating differences between bash, csh, zsh, and the others you know.

        Which is really handy, because these are popular shells you are likely to encounter.

        What is the keyword to use to learn more about the subject?

        "shell" is also sometimes referred to as a "REPL", "command-line interpreter" or "command language interpreter".

        share|improve this answer

          up vote
          down vote

          I found there are shells like nologin, false, and true. What else are there?

          These are not shells, as @ctrl-alt-delor already pointed out.

          I don't know what to type to list the shells.

          You can't get an exhaustive list of all the shells that exist. That would be like asking for a list of all the pieces of software that exist.

          Whenever I search with linux shell types (and the likes), I get results in the context of illustrating differences between bash, csh, zsh, and the others you know.

          Which is really handy, because these are popular shells you are likely to encounter.

          What is the keyword to use to learn more about the subject?

          "shell" is also sometimes referred to as a "REPL", "command-line interpreter" or "command language interpreter".

          share|improve this answer

            up vote
            down vote

            up vote
            down vote

            I found there are shells like nologin, false, and true. What else are there?

            These are not shells, as @ctrl-alt-delor already pointed out.

            I don't know what to type to list the shells.

            You can't get an exhaustive list of all the shells that exist. That would be like asking for a list of all the pieces of software that exist.

            Whenever I search with linux shell types (and the likes), I get results in the context of illustrating differences between bash, csh, zsh, and the others you know.

            Which is really handy, because these are popular shells you are likely to encounter.

            What is the keyword to use to learn more about the subject?

            "shell" is also sometimes referred to as a "REPL", "command-line interpreter" or "command language interpreter".

            share|improve this answer

            I found there are shells like nologin, false, and true. What else are there?

            These are not shells, as @ctrl-alt-delor already pointed out.

            I don't know what to type to list the shells.

            You can't get an exhaustive list of all the shells that exist. That would be like asking for a list of all the pieces of software that exist.

            Whenever I search with linux shell types (and the likes), I get results in the context of illustrating differences between bash, csh, zsh, and the others you know.

            Which is really handy, because these are popular shells you are likely to encounter.

            What is the keyword to use to learn more about the subject?

            "shell" is also sometimes referred to as a "REPL", "command-line interpreter" or "command language interpreter".

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            answered Sep 9 at 11:05




                up vote
                down vote

                This is a question where the answer is complicated. What most people call a "shell" is a Read-Eval-Print Loop and therefore, even a python interpreter is a shell, provided you are running python interactively. However, this would mean that nologin is not a real shell! So what is a shell?

                Technically speaking, any program can be used as a shell. In fact, here are a few pictures of me using unusual shells:

                1. Python shell as the login shell

                2. Nano as a shell (though you can't distinguish between it being run normally, since it's fullscreen)

                3. Cat running as a shell

                4. Top running as a shell (even though you, again, can't see it being a shell)

                5. And a hello world program!

                However, this isn't what you'd expect to be running as shells. Usually, you'll want to be running one of the shells in /etc/shells. For example, mine contains:

                # /etc/shells: valid login shells

                and none of the shells I mentioned previously! So why do they run?

                To put it simply, they do, but only locally. If you look at the shells manpage with man shells, you will discover that /etc/shells is mostly used by programs such as FTP daemons. This is why you don't see the nologin shell in /etc/shells: It prevents login to FTP and other non-login daemons by not being there, while preventing login locally by being a simple printf("This account is currently not available"); program, and not a REPL.

                So, to answer your question: There is only one type of shell, and that is executable. If you can run a program, it's a shell.

                share|improve this answer

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  This is a question where the answer is complicated. What most people call a "shell" is a Read-Eval-Print Loop and therefore, even a python interpreter is a shell, provided you are running python interactively. However, this would mean that nologin is not a real shell! So what is a shell?

                  Technically speaking, any program can be used as a shell. In fact, here are a few pictures of me using unusual shells:

                  1. Python shell as the login shell

                  2. Nano as a shell (though you can't distinguish between it being run normally, since it's fullscreen)

                  3. Cat running as a shell

                  4. Top running as a shell (even though you, again, can't see it being a shell)

                  5. And a hello world program!

                  However, this isn't what you'd expect to be running as shells. Usually, you'll want to be running one of the shells in /etc/shells. For example, mine contains:

                  # /etc/shells: valid login shells

                  and none of the shells I mentioned previously! So why do they run?

                  To put it simply, they do, but only locally. If you look at the shells manpage with man shells, you will discover that /etc/shells is mostly used by programs such as FTP daemons. This is why you don't see the nologin shell in /etc/shells: It prevents login to FTP and other non-login daemons by not being there, while preventing login locally by being a simple printf("This account is currently not available"); program, and not a REPL.

                  So, to answer your question: There is only one type of shell, and that is executable. If you can run a program, it's a shell.

                  share|improve this answer

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    This is a question where the answer is complicated. What most people call a "shell" is a Read-Eval-Print Loop and therefore, even a python interpreter is a shell, provided you are running python interactively. However, this would mean that nologin is not a real shell! So what is a shell?

                    Technically speaking, any program can be used as a shell. In fact, here are a few pictures of me using unusual shells:

                    1. Python shell as the login shell

                    2. Nano as a shell (though you can't distinguish between it being run normally, since it's fullscreen)

                    3. Cat running as a shell

                    4. Top running as a shell (even though you, again, can't see it being a shell)

                    5. And a hello world program!

                    However, this isn't what you'd expect to be running as shells. Usually, you'll want to be running one of the shells in /etc/shells. For example, mine contains:

                    # /etc/shells: valid login shells

                    and none of the shells I mentioned previously! So why do they run?

                    To put it simply, they do, but only locally. If you look at the shells manpage with man shells, you will discover that /etc/shells is mostly used by programs such as FTP daemons. This is why you don't see the nologin shell in /etc/shells: It prevents login to FTP and other non-login daemons by not being there, while preventing login locally by being a simple printf("This account is currently not available"); program, and not a REPL.

                    So, to answer your question: There is only one type of shell, and that is executable. If you can run a program, it's a shell.

                    share|improve this answer

                    This is a question where the answer is complicated. What most people call a "shell" is a Read-Eval-Print Loop and therefore, even a python interpreter is a shell, provided you are running python interactively. However, this would mean that nologin is not a real shell! So what is a shell?

                    Technically speaking, any program can be used as a shell. In fact, here are a few pictures of me using unusual shells:

                    1. Python shell as the login shell

                    2. Nano as a shell (though you can't distinguish between it being run normally, since it's fullscreen)

                    3. Cat running as a shell

                    4. Top running as a shell (even though you, again, can't see it being a shell)

                    5. And a hello world program!

                    However, this isn't what you'd expect to be running as shells. Usually, you'll want to be running one of the shells in /etc/shells. For example, mine contains:

                    # /etc/shells: valid login shells

                    and none of the shells I mentioned previously! So why do they run?

                    To put it simply, they do, but only locally. If you look at the shells manpage with man shells, you will discover that /etc/shells is mostly used by programs such as FTP daemons. This is why you don't see the nologin shell in /etc/shells: It prevents login to FTP and other non-login daemons by not being there, while preventing login locally by being a simple printf("This account is currently not available"); program, and not a REPL.

                    So, to answer your question: There is only one type of shell, and that is executable. If you can run a program, it's a shell.

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    answered Sep 9 at 13:37

                    KryÅ¡tof PíÅ¡těk



                        up vote
                        down vote

                        To make the point in the other answers more explicit: There's nothing special about "a shell". This

                        I understand that nologin, false, and true are actually shells and they are used to prevent users from logging in

                        is not true: false and true just happened to be programs that were already available on early Unix systems (and they were used in other contexts). What happened is that there was the situation where there were user accounts that didn't correspond to an actual user. So the question was what to put into the "shell" field in /etc/passwd. Because you can put in any program there, the early sysadmins thought it was a cute hack (and practical) to just use /bin/false. Later sysadmins thought it was a bit too much of a hack, and wrote nologin (now that they had more harddisk space to use) to better document this intention.

                        So: You can use any program as the program that gets spawned when a user logs in. Many programs won't make sense (e.g. when they'd need commandline arguments). Some others will. If you get bored, you can write your own. You don't have to put in any special sauce to make it "a shell".

                        share|improve this answer

                          up vote
                          down vote

                          To make the point in the other answers more explicit: There's nothing special about "a shell". This

                          I understand that nologin, false, and true are actually shells and they are used to prevent users from logging in

                          is not true: false and true just happened to be programs that were already available on early Unix systems (and they were used in other contexts). What happened is that there was the situation where there were user accounts that didn't correspond to an actual user. So the question was what to put into the "shell" field in /etc/passwd. Because you can put in any program there, the early sysadmins thought it was a cute hack (and practical) to just use /bin/false. Later sysadmins thought it was a bit too much of a hack, and wrote nologin (now that they had more harddisk space to use) to better document this intention.

                          So: You can use any program as the program that gets spawned when a user logs in. Many programs won't make sense (e.g. when they'd need commandline arguments). Some others will. If you get bored, you can write your own. You don't have to put in any special sauce to make it "a shell".

                          share|improve this answer

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            To make the point in the other answers more explicit: There's nothing special about "a shell". This

                            I understand that nologin, false, and true are actually shells and they are used to prevent users from logging in

                            is not true: false and true just happened to be programs that were already available on early Unix systems (and they were used in other contexts). What happened is that there was the situation where there were user accounts that didn't correspond to an actual user. So the question was what to put into the "shell" field in /etc/passwd. Because you can put in any program there, the early sysadmins thought it was a cute hack (and practical) to just use /bin/false. Later sysadmins thought it was a bit too much of a hack, and wrote nologin (now that they had more harddisk space to use) to better document this intention.

                            So: You can use any program as the program that gets spawned when a user logs in. Many programs won't make sense (e.g. when they'd need commandline arguments). Some others will. If you get bored, you can write your own. You don't have to put in any special sauce to make it "a shell".

                            share|improve this answer

                            To make the point in the other answers more explicit: There's nothing special about "a shell". This

                            I understand that nologin, false, and true are actually shells and they are used to prevent users from logging in

                            is not true: false and true just happened to be programs that were already available on early Unix systems (and they were used in other contexts). What happened is that there was the situation where there were user accounts that didn't correspond to an actual user. So the question was what to put into the "shell" field in /etc/passwd. Because you can put in any program there, the early sysadmins thought it was a cute hack (and practical) to just use /bin/false. Later sysadmins thought it was a bit too much of a hack, and wrote nologin (now that they had more harddisk space to use) to better document this intention.

                            So: You can use any program as the program that gets spawned when a user logs in. Many programs won't make sense (e.g. when they'd need commandline arguments). Some others will. If you get bored, you can write your own. You don't have to put in any special sauce to make it "a shell".

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            answered Sep 9 at 11:12




                                up vote
                                down vote

                                Anything you want.

                                A shell is just a TTY application. so anything you can run on a TTY can be a shell.

                                One example of an unconventional shell would be a bulletin board service:
                                user logs in via ssh or telnet and gets a BBs instead of a command-line

                                share|improve this answer

                                • … or uucico or sync or …
                                  – JdeBP
                                  Sep 9 at 11:18

                                • @Jasen: off-topic answer. Moreover, a POSIX shell is a fundamental system software.
                                  – Fólkvangr
                                  Sep 9 at 11:41

                                • 1

                                  The idea that this is off-topic is bizarre, and it says the same as all of the other answers do. The only point of confusion is that the answer is echoing the usage of the question, where "shell" is used to mean the class of program that is named in one field of a user record in the account database.
                                  – JdeBP
                                  Sep 9 at 20:57

                                • @Folkvangr entries starting /usr/bin/ and /usr/local/bin/ can be used in the shell field (you may need to update the list in /etc/shells to enable these) anything in those directories is not fundamental.
                                  – Jasen
                                  Sep 10 at 4:42

                                • Your answer is incorrect, partial and confusing since you do not determine the context allowing to develop or justifying your point. How do I know that you are talking about /etc/passwd, /etc/shells or that you are declaring that a shell is essentially a TTY application?
                                  – Fólkvangr
                                  Sep 10 at 7:18

                                up vote
                                down vote

                                Anything you want.

                                A shell is just a TTY application. so anything you can run on a TTY can be a shell.

                                One example of an unconventional shell would be a bulletin board service:
                                user logs in via ssh or telnet and gets a BBs instead of a command-line

                                share|improve this answer

                                • … or uucico or sync or …
                                  – JdeBP
                                  Sep 9 at 11:18

                                • @Jasen: off-topic answer. Moreover, a POSIX shell is a fundamental system software.
                                  – Fólkvangr
                                  Sep 9 at 11:41

                                • 1

                                  The idea that this is off-topic is bizarre, and it says the same as all of the other answers do. The only point of confusion is that the answer is echoing the usage of the question, where "shell" is used to mean the class of program that is named in one field of a user record in the account database.
                                  – JdeBP
                                  Sep 9 at 20:57

                                • @Folkvangr entries starting /usr/bin/ and /usr/local/bin/ can be used in the shell field (you may need to update the list in /etc/shells to enable these) anything in those directories is not fundamental.
                                  – Jasen
                                  Sep 10 at 4:42

                                • Your answer is incorrect, partial and confusing since you do not determine the context allowing to develop or justifying your point. How do I know that you are talking about /etc/passwd, /etc/shells or that you are declaring that a shell is essentially a TTY application?
                                  – Fólkvangr
                                  Sep 10 at 7:18

                                up vote
                                down vote

                                up vote
                                down vote

                                Anything you want.

                                A shell is just a TTY application. so anything you can run on a TTY can be a shell.

                                One example of an unconventional shell would be a bulletin board service:
                                user logs in via ssh or telnet and gets a BBs instead of a command-line

                                share|improve this answer

                                Anything you want.

                                A shell is just a TTY application. so anything you can run on a TTY can be a shell.

                                One example of an unconventional shell would be a bulletin board service:
                                user logs in via ssh or telnet and gets a BBs instead of a command-line

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                edited Sep 10 at 22:27

                                answered Sep 9 at 11:03




                                • … or uucico or sync or …
                                  – JdeBP
                                  Sep 9 at 11:18

                                • @Jasen: off-topic answer. Moreover, a POSIX shell is a fundamental system software.
                                  – Fólkvangr
                                  Sep 9 at 11:41

                                • 1

                                  The idea that this is off-topic is bizarre, and it says the same as all of the other answers do. The only point of confusion is that the answer is echoing the usage of the question, where "shell" is used to mean the class of program that is named in one field of a user record in the account database.
                                  – JdeBP
                                  Sep 9 at 20:57

                                • @Folkvangr entries starting /usr/bin/ and /usr/local/bin/ can be used in the shell field (you may need to update the list in /etc/shells to enable these) anything in those directories is not fundamental.
                                  – Jasen
                                  Sep 10 at 4:42

                                • Your answer is incorrect, partial and confusing since you do not determine the context allowing to develop or justifying your point. How do I know that you are talking about /etc/passwd, /etc/shells or that you are declaring that a shell is essentially a TTY application?
                                  – Fólkvangr
                                  Sep 10 at 7:18

                                • … or uucico or sync or …
                                  – JdeBP
                                  Sep 9 at 11:18

                                • @Jasen: off-topic answer. Moreover, a POSIX shell is a fundamental system software.
                                  – Fólkvangr
                                  Sep 9 at 11:41

                                • 1

                                  The idea that this is off-topic is bizarre, and it says the same as all of the other answers do. The only point of confusion is that the answer is echoing the usage of the question, where "shell" is used to mean the class of program that is named in one field of a user record in the account database.
                                  – JdeBP
                                  Sep 9 at 20:57

                                • @Folkvangr entries starting /usr/bin/ and /usr/local/bin/ can be used in the shell field (you may need to update the list in /etc/shells to enable these) anything in those directories is not fundamental.
                                  – Jasen
                                  Sep 10 at 4:42

                                • Your answer is incorrect, partial and confusing since you do not determine the context allowing to develop or justifying your point. How do I know that you are talking about /etc/passwd, /etc/shells or that you are declaring that a shell is essentially a TTY application?
                                  – Fólkvangr
                                  Sep 10 at 7:18

                                … or uucico or sync or …
                                – JdeBP
                                Sep 9 at 11:18

                                … or uucico or sync or …
                                – JdeBP
                                Sep 9 at 11:18

                                @Jasen: off-topic answer. Moreover, a POSIX shell is a fundamental system software.
                                – Fólkvangr
                                Sep 9 at 11:41

                                @Jasen: off-topic answer. Moreover, a POSIX shell is a fundamental system software.
                                – Fólkvangr
                                Sep 9 at 11:41



                                The idea that this is off-topic is bizarre, and it says the same as all of the other answers do. The only point of confusion is that the answer is echoing the usage of the question, where "shell" is used to mean the class of program that is named in one field of a user record in the account database.
                                – JdeBP
                                Sep 9 at 20:57

                                The idea that this is off-topic is bizarre, and it says the same as all of the other answers do. The only point of confusion is that the answer is echoing the usage of the question, where "shell" is used to mean the class of program that is named in one field of a user record in the account database.
                                – JdeBP
                                Sep 9 at 20:57

                                @Folkvangr entries starting /usr/bin/ and /usr/local/bin/ can be used in the shell field (you may need to update the list in /etc/shells to enable these) anything in those directories is not fundamental.
                                – Jasen
                                Sep 10 at 4:42

                                @Folkvangr entries starting /usr/bin/ and /usr/local/bin/ can be used in the shell field (you may need to update the list in /etc/shells to enable these) anything in those directories is not fundamental.
                                – Jasen
                                Sep 10 at 4:42

                                Your answer is incorrect, partial and confusing since you do not determine the context allowing to develop or justifying your point. How do I know that you are talking about /etc/passwd, /etc/shells or that you are declaring that a shell is essentially a TTY application?
                                – Fólkvangr
                                Sep 10 at 7:18

                                Your answer is incorrect, partial and confusing since you do not determine the context allowing to develop or justifying your point. How do I know that you are talking about /etc/passwd, /etc/shells or that you are declaring that a shell is essentially a TTY application?
                                – Fólkvangr
                                Sep 10 at 7:18


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