Isomorphic Fields example
Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 2 down vote favorite I am trying to show $mathbb Q(2+sqrt2)$ is isomorphic to $mathbb Q(sqrt2)$. Specifically, I have difficulty showing the first is contained in the latter. I must be missing something easy but I cannot seem to find a similar question that has been asked before. linear-algebra abstract-algebra share | cite | improve this question edited Sep 1 at 10:15 25.6k 2 17 54 asked Sep 1 at 10:02 Homaniac 494 1 10 add a comment  | up vote 2 down vote favorite I am trying to show $mathbb Q(2+sqrt2)$ is isomorphic to $mathbb Q(sqrt2)$. Specifically, I have difficulty showing the first is contained in the latter. I must be missing something easy but I cannot seem to find a similar question that has been asked before. linear-algebra abstract-algebra share | cite | improve this question edited Sep 1 at 10:15 ...