Finding Variance of joint probability function
Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 0 down vote favorite I need help in finding the variance of a joint probability function. The probability density function in this case is $f(x)$ which is created by $$frac125x^218,; 0le xle 0.6,;frac910x^2,; (0.6le xle 0.9), text and 0 text elsewhere.$$ I know how to find the variance for a single probability function, however not when they consist of two functions. Help will be appreciated. Thanks. variance share | cite | improve this question edited Aug 29 at 11:23 amWhy 190k 26 221 433 asked Aug 29 at 10:45 Deep Patel 6 3 Use $Var[X] = E[X^2] - (E[X])^2$ â the man Aug 29 at 11:06 That is not a joint probability function. It is a piecewise function. â Graham Kemp Aug 29 at 11:34 add a comment  | up vote 0 down vote favorite I need help in finding the variance of a joint...