Prove $ÃÂ(R^2)$ where $ÃÂ(u,v)=(vcos u,vsin u,bu)$ is the smooth function.

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 0 down vote favorite Prove $ÃÂ(R^2)$ is a smooth surface and $ÃÂ(u,v)=(vcos u,vsin u,bu)$ $R^2rightarrow R^3$ and b>0 constant. Its rank $DÃÂ$ is 2, so I'm ok with that part. Only thing to prove is that it has an continuous inverse so $ÃÂ$ can be an acceptable parametrization. Can i just argue the topology definition . I know the existence of the inverse hence if the pre image of the inverse of open sets of$ R^2$ are open in $R^3$ then the inverse is continuous.But still that needs proof calculus differential-geometry surfaces share | cite | improve this question edited Sep 3 at 14:49 asked Sep 3 at 14:05 Manolis Lyviakis 1,307 6 25 It makes little sense to say "where $varphi$ is a smooth function" and then to define it explicitly. â amsmath Sep 3 at 14:08 ...