Prove that $intlimits_0^infty,dfracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),textdx=dfracpi2,big(1-exp(-k)big)$ for all $kinmathbbR_ge0$.

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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down vote


I found the following result (I apologize if this has been posted before, but I could not find anything here). I am wondering whether there is an approach without using contour integration.

Let $k$ be a nonnegative real number. Prove that $$int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x,left(x^2+1right),textdx=fracpi2,Big(1-exp(-k)Big)=pi,expleft(-frack2right),sinhleft(frack2right),.$$

I am especially interested in a solution not using complex analysis. However, a complex-analytic solution that is different from mine is very welcome as well. I have three approaches, but all of them end up using complex analysis as a major part.

We also have this very nice consequence. This result can be proven on its own without knowing the integral $displaystyle int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x,left(x^2+1right),textdx$.

Let $k$ be a nonnegative real number. Then,

Interestingly, during my quest to obtain this integral, I discovered two more integral relations, although I do not know how to obtain the exact values of any of them. The exact values of these integrals involve the exponential integral $textEi$, where $textEi(x)=displaystyletextPVint_-infty^x,fracexp(t)t,textdt$ for all $xinmathbbR$. Both of the results below also came from contour integrations.

Let $k$ be a nonnegative real number. Then,

Mathematica says that
and that
Here, $gammaapprox 0.57722$ is the Euler-Mascheroni constant.

Approach I.

Consider the meromorphic function $f(z):=dfracexp(textikz)z(z^2+1)$ for all $zin mathbbCsetminus 0,-texti,+texti$. For $epsilonin(0,1)$, let $C_epsilon$ be the positively oriented contour $$left[+epsilon,+frac1epsilonright]cup Biggl,thetain[0,pi]Biggrcupleft[-frac1epsilon,-epsilonright]cup Big,thetain[pi,0]Big,.$$ Write $Gamma_r$ for the positively-oriented (with respect to $0$) semicircle $Bigr,exp(textitheta),Big$ for every $r>0$. We have $$I(k):=limlimits_epsilonto 0^+,oint_C_epsilon,f(z),textdz=2pitexti,textRes_z=textibig(f(z)big)=-pitexti,exp(-k),.$$ Now, note that $$lim_epsilonto0^+,int_Gamma_epsilon,f(z),textdz=pitextitext and lim_epsilonto0^+,int_Gamma_frac1epsilon,f(z),textdz=0,.$$ Because $$I(k)=int_0^infty,fracexp(+textikx)-exp(-textikx)x(x^2+1),textdx-lim_epsilonto0^+,int_Gamma_epsilon,f(z),textdz+lim_epsilonto0^+,int_Gamma_frac1epsilon,f(z),textdz,,$$ we see that $$I(k)=2texti,int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),textdx-pitexti,.$$ The result follows immediately.

Approach II.

We apply Richard Feynman's integral trick. First, define $J(k)$ to be the required integral: $$J(k):=int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),textdx,.$$ Thus, by the Leibniz Integral Rule, we have $J'(k)=displaystyle int_0^infty,fraccos(kx)x^2+1,textdx$. Let $g(z):=dfracexp(textikz)z^2+1$ for all $zinmathbbCsetminus-texti,+texti$. It follows that $$lim_epsilonto0^+,oint_C_epsilon,g(z),textdz=2,int_0^infty,fraccos(kx)x^2+1,textdx,,$$ where $C_epsilon$ is the positively oriented contour $$left[+epsilon,+frac1epsilonright]cup Biggl,thetain[0,pi]Biggrcupleft[-frac1epsilon,-epsilonright]cup Big,thetain[pi,0]Bigtext for epsilonin(0,1),.$$ Furthermore, we have $$oint_C_epsilon,g(z),textdz=2pitexti,textRes_z=textibig(g(z)big)=pi,exp(-k)text for all epsilonin(0,1)$$ Ergo, $J'(k)=displaystyleint_0^infty,fraccos(kx)x^2+1,textdx=dfracpi2,exp(-k)$. Since $J(0)=0$, $$J(k)=int_0^k,J'(t),textdt=fracpi2,int_0^k,exp(-t),textdt=fracpi2,big(1-exp(-k)big),.$$

Approach III.

It is easy to see that $dfracsin(t)t=displaystylefrac12,int_-1^+1,exp(textittau),textdtau$ for all $tneq 0$. That is, the required integral is given by $$beginalignJ(k):=int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x,left(x^2+1right),textdx&=frac12,int_0^infty,frackx^2+1,int_-1^+1,exp(textikxt),textdt,textdx\&=frac12,int_-infty^+infty,frackx^2+1,int_0^1,exp(textikxt),textdt,textdx,.endalign$$ Using Fubini's Theorem, we obtain $$J(k)=frac12,int_0^1,k,int_-infty^+infty,fracexp(textikxt)x^2+1,textdx,textdt,.$$
For a real number $R>1$, let $gamma_R$ be the positively oriented contour $$[-R,+R]cupbig,thetain[0,2pi]big,.$$ Then, for $omega geq 0$, we have $$lim_Rtoinfty,oint_gamma_R,fracexp(textiomega z)z^2+1,textdz=int_-infty^+infty,fracexp(textiomega x)x^2+1,textdx=:K(omega),.$$ Ergo, $$K(omega)=2pitexti,textRes_z=textileft(fracexp(textiomega z)z^2+1right)=2pitexti,left(fracexp(-omega)2textiright)=pi,exp(-omega),.$$ As $displaystyle J(k)=frac12,int_0^1,k,K(kt),textdt$, we conclude that $$J(k)=fracpi2,int_0^1,k,exp(-kt),textdt=fracpi2,big(1-exp(-k)big),.$$ From this proof, we also obtain $$int_0^infty,fraccos(kx)x^2+1,textdx=frac12,K(k)=fracpi2,exp(-k),.$$

P.S. I put my solutions in spoilers for people who want to try to solve the problem without being led on by my attempts. If you do not want to waste your time doing what I have already done, then please look at the spoilers. All of the solutions in the spoilers are complex-analytic proofs anyhow, so if you are giving me a real-analytic proof, then there is no way you are going to replicate my work.

share|cite|improve this question

  • 3

    "I am wondering whether there is an approach without using contour integration." > tags contour-integration
    – Kenny Lau
    Aug 2 at 19:20

  • 2

    @KennyLau Because my solutions involve contour integration.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 2 at 19:20

  • 2

    Spoilers aren't helpful at all in a question. After all, you are looking for solutions other than the approaches you've taken, right? So why play games and hide them behind spoilers?
    – amWhy
    Aug 2 at 19:21

  • 2

    @amWhy Because some people might not want to see a solution. In cases like this, seeing a solution can corrupt one's imagination.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 2 at 19:22

  • 3

    @amWhy The spoilers are for someone who wants to work on this problem without knowing a solution beforehand. I like attacking problems on my own, and believe many people like that too. If you don't want to waste your time, you are welcome to look at the spoilers.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 2 at 19:25

up vote
down vote


I found the following result (I apologize if this has been posted before, but I could not find anything here). I am wondering whether there is an approach without using contour integration.

Let $k$ be a nonnegative real number. Prove that $$int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x,left(x^2+1right),textdx=fracpi2,Big(1-exp(-k)Big)=pi,expleft(-frack2right),sinhleft(frack2right),.$$

I am especially interested in a solution not using complex analysis. However, a complex-analytic solution that is different from mine is very welcome as well. I have three approaches, but all of them end up using complex analysis as a major part.

We also have this very nice consequence. This result can be proven on its own without knowing the integral $displaystyle int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x,left(x^2+1right),textdx$.

Let $k$ be a nonnegative real number. Then,

Interestingly, during my quest to obtain this integral, I discovered two more integral relations, although I do not know how to obtain the exact values of any of them. The exact values of these integrals involve the exponential integral $textEi$, where $textEi(x)=displaystyletextPVint_-infty^x,fracexp(t)t,textdt$ for all $xinmathbbR$. Both of the results below also came from contour integrations.

Let $k$ be a nonnegative real number. Then,

Mathematica says that
and that
Here, $gammaapprox 0.57722$ is the Euler-Mascheroni constant.

Approach I.

Consider the meromorphic function $f(z):=dfracexp(textikz)z(z^2+1)$ for all $zin mathbbCsetminus 0,-texti,+texti$. For $epsilonin(0,1)$, let $C_epsilon$ be the positively oriented contour $$left[+epsilon,+frac1epsilonright]cup Biggl,thetain[0,pi]Biggrcupleft[-frac1epsilon,-epsilonright]cup Big,thetain[pi,0]Big,.$$ Write $Gamma_r$ for the positively-oriented (with respect to $0$) semicircle $Bigr,exp(textitheta),Big$ for every $r>0$. We have $$I(k):=limlimits_epsilonto 0^+,oint_C_epsilon,f(z),textdz=2pitexti,textRes_z=textibig(f(z)big)=-pitexti,exp(-k),.$$ Now, note that $$lim_epsilonto0^+,int_Gamma_epsilon,f(z),textdz=pitextitext and lim_epsilonto0^+,int_Gamma_frac1epsilon,f(z),textdz=0,.$$ Because $$I(k)=int_0^infty,fracexp(+textikx)-exp(-textikx)x(x^2+1),textdx-lim_epsilonto0^+,int_Gamma_epsilon,f(z),textdz+lim_epsilonto0^+,int_Gamma_frac1epsilon,f(z),textdz,,$$ we see that $$I(k)=2texti,int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),textdx-pitexti,.$$ The result follows immediately.

Approach II.

We apply Richard Feynman's integral trick. First, define $J(k)$ to be the required integral: $$J(k):=int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),textdx,.$$ Thus, by the Leibniz Integral Rule, we have $J'(k)=displaystyle int_0^infty,fraccos(kx)x^2+1,textdx$. Let $g(z):=dfracexp(textikz)z^2+1$ for all $zinmathbbCsetminus-texti,+texti$. It follows that $$lim_epsilonto0^+,oint_C_epsilon,g(z),textdz=2,int_0^infty,fraccos(kx)x^2+1,textdx,,$$ where $C_epsilon$ is the positively oriented contour $$left[+epsilon,+frac1epsilonright]cup Biggl,thetain[0,pi]Biggrcupleft[-frac1epsilon,-epsilonright]cup Big,thetain[pi,0]Bigtext for epsilonin(0,1),.$$ Furthermore, we have $$oint_C_epsilon,g(z),textdz=2pitexti,textRes_z=textibig(g(z)big)=pi,exp(-k)text for all epsilonin(0,1)$$ Ergo, $J'(k)=displaystyleint_0^infty,fraccos(kx)x^2+1,textdx=dfracpi2,exp(-k)$. Since $J(0)=0$, $$J(k)=int_0^k,J'(t),textdt=fracpi2,int_0^k,exp(-t),textdt=fracpi2,big(1-exp(-k)big),.$$

Approach III.

It is easy to see that $dfracsin(t)t=displaystylefrac12,int_-1^+1,exp(textittau),textdtau$ for all $tneq 0$. That is, the required integral is given by $$beginalignJ(k):=int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x,left(x^2+1right),textdx&=frac12,int_0^infty,frackx^2+1,int_-1^+1,exp(textikxt),textdt,textdx\&=frac12,int_-infty^+infty,frackx^2+1,int_0^1,exp(textikxt),textdt,textdx,.endalign$$ Using Fubini's Theorem, we obtain $$J(k)=frac12,int_0^1,k,int_-infty^+infty,fracexp(textikxt)x^2+1,textdx,textdt,.$$
For a real number $R>1$, let $gamma_R$ be the positively oriented contour $$[-R,+R]cupbig,thetain[0,2pi]big,.$$ Then, for $omega geq 0$, we have $$lim_Rtoinfty,oint_gamma_R,fracexp(textiomega z)z^2+1,textdz=int_-infty^+infty,fracexp(textiomega x)x^2+1,textdx=:K(omega),.$$ Ergo, $$K(omega)=2pitexti,textRes_z=textileft(fracexp(textiomega z)z^2+1right)=2pitexti,left(fracexp(-omega)2textiright)=pi,exp(-omega),.$$ As $displaystyle J(k)=frac12,int_0^1,k,K(kt),textdt$, we conclude that $$J(k)=fracpi2,int_0^1,k,exp(-kt),textdt=fracpi2,big(1-exp(-k)big),.$$ From this proof, we also obtain $$int_0^infty,fraccos(kx)x^2+1,textdx=frac12,K(k)=fracpi2,exp(-k),.$$

P.S. I put my solutions in spoilers for people who want to try to solve the problem without being led on by my attempts. If you do not want to waste your time doing what I have already done, then please look at the spoilers. All of the solutions in the spoilers are complex-analytic proofs anyhow, so if you are giving me a real-analytic proof, then there is no way you are going to replicate my work.

share|cite|improve this question

  • 3

    "I am wondering whether there is an approach without using contour integration." > tags contour-integration
    – Kenny Lau
    Aug 2 at 19:20

  • 2

    @KennyLau Because my solutions involve contour integration.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 2 at 19:20

  • 2

    Spoilers aren't helpful at all in a question. After all, you are looking for solutions other than the approaches you've taken, right? So why play games and hide them behind spoilers?
    – amWhy
    Aug 2 at 19:21

  • 2

    @amWhy Because some people might not want to see a solution. In cases like this, seeing a solution can corrupt one's imagination.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 2 at 19:22

  • 3

    @amWhy The spoilers are for someone who wants to work on this problem without knowing a solution beforehand. I like attacking problems on my own, and believe many people like that too. If you don't want to waste your time, you are welcome to look at the spoilers.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 2 at 19:25

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote



I found the following result (I apologize if this has been posted before, but I could not find anything here). I am wondering whether there is an approach without using contour integration.

Let $k$ be a nonnegative real number. Prove that $$int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x,left(x^2+1right),textdx=fracpi2,Big(1-exp(-k)Big)=pi,expleft(-frack2right),sinhleft(frack2right),.$$

I am especially interested in a solution not using complex analysis. However, a complex-analytic solution that is different from mine is very welcome as well. I have three approaches, but all of them end up using complex analysis as a major part.

We also have this very nice consequence. This result can be proven on its own without knowing the integral $displaystyle int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x,left(x^2+1right),textdx$.

Let $k$ be a nonnegative real number. Then,

Interestingly, during my quest to obtain this integral, I discovered two more integral relations, although I do not know how to obtain the exact values of any of them. The exact values of these integrals involve the exponential integral $textEi$, where $textEi(x)=displaystyletextPVint_-infty^x,fracexp(t)t,textdt$ for all $xinmathbbR$. Both of the results below also came from contour integrations.

Let $k$ be a nonnegative real number. Then,

Mathematica says that
and that
Here, $gammaapprox 0.57722$ is the Euler-Mascheroni constant.

Approach I.

Consider the meromorphic function $f(z):=dfracexp(textikz)z(z^2+1)$ for all $zin mathbbCsetminus 0,-texti,+texti$. For $epsilonin(0,1)$, let $C_epsilon$ be the positively oriented contour $$left[+epsilon,+frac1epsilonright]cup Biggl,thetain[0,pi]Biggrcupleft[-frac1epsilon,-epsilonright]cup Big,thetain[pi,0]Big,.$$ Write $Gamma_r$ for the positively-oriented (with respect to $0$) semicircle $Bigr,exp(textitheta),Big$ for every $r>0$. We have $$I(k):=limlimits_epsilonto 0^+,oint_C_epsilon,f(z),textdz=2pitexti,textRes_z=textibig(f(z)big)=-pitexti,exp(-k),.$$ Now, note that $$lim_epsilonto0^+,int_Gamma_epsilon,f(z),textdz=pitextitext and lim_epsilonto0^+,int_Gamma_frac1epsilon,f(z),textdz=0,.$$ Because $$I(k)=int_0^infty,fracexp(+textikx)-exp(-textikx)x(x^2+1),textdx-lim_epsilonto0^+,int_Gamma_epsilon,f(z),textdz+lim_epsilonto0^+,int_Gamma_frac1epsilon,f(z),textdz,,$$ we see that $$I(k)=2texti,int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),textdx-pitexti,.$$ The result follows immediately.

Approach II.

We apply Richard Feynman's integral trick. First, define $J(k)$ to be the required integral: $$J(k):=int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),textdx,.$$ Thus, by the Leibniz Integral Rule, we have $J'(k)=displaystyle int_0^infty,fraccos(kx)x^2+1,textdx$. Let $g(z):=dfracexp(textikz)z^2+1$ for all $zinmathbbCsetminus-texti,+texti$. It follows that $$lim_epsilonto0^+,oint_C_epsilon,g(z),textdz=2,int_0^infty,fraccos(kx)x^2+1,textdx,,$$ where $C_epsilon$ is the positively oriented contour $$left[+epsilon,+frac1epsilonright]cup Biggl,thetain[0,pi]Biggrcupleft[-frac1epsilon,-epsilonright]cup Big,thetain[pi,0]Bigtext for epsilonin(0,1),.$$ Furthermore, we have $$oint_C_epsilon,g(z),textdz=2pitexti,textRes_z=textibig(g(z)big)=pi,exp(-k)text for all epsilonin(0,1)$$ Ergo, $J'(k)=displaystyleint_0^infty,fraccos(kx)x^2+1,textdx=dfracpi2,exp(-k)$. Since $J(0)=0$, $$J(k)=int_0^k,J'(t),textdt=fracpi2,int_0^k,exp(-t),textdt=fracpi2,big(1-exp(-k)big),.$$

Approach III.

It is easy to see that $dfracsin(t)t=displaystylefrac12,int_-1^+1,exp(textittau),textdtau$ for all $tneq 0$. That is, the required integral is given by $$beginalignJ(k):=int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x,left(x^2+1right),textdx&=frac12,int_0^infty,frackx^2+1,int_-1^+1,exp(textikxt),textdt,textdx\&=frac12,int_-infty^+infty,frackx^2+1,int_0^1,exp(textikxt),textdt,textdx,.endalign$$ Using Fubini's Theorem, we obtain $$J(k)=frac12,int_0^1,k,int_-infty^+infty,fracexp(textikxt)x^2+1,textdx,textdt,.$$
For a real number $R>1$, let $gamma_R$ be the positively oriented contour $$[-R,+R]cupbig,thetain[0,2pi]big,.$$ Then, for $omega geq 0$, we have $$lim_Rtoinfty,oint_gamma_R,fracexp(textiomega z)z^2+1,textdz=int_-infty^+infty,fracexp(textiomega x)x^2+1,textdx=:K(omega),.$$ Ergo, $$K(omega)=2pitexti,textRes_z=textileft(fracexp(textiomega z)z^2+1right)=2pitexti,left(fracexp(-omega)2textiright)=pi,exp(-omega),.$$ As $displaystyle J(k)=frac12,int_0^1,k,K(kt),textdt$, we conclude that $$J(k)=fracpi2,int_0^1,k,exp(-kt),textdt=fracpi2,big(1-exp(-k)big),.$$ From this proof, we also obtain $$int_0^infty,fraccos(kx)x^2+1,textdx=frac12,K(k)=fracpi2,exp(-k),.$$

P.S. I put my solutions in spoilers for people who want to try to solve the problem without being led on by my attempts. If you do not want to waste your time doing what I have already done, then please look at the spoilers. All of the solutions in the spoilers are complex-analytic proofs anyhow, so if you are giving me a real-analytic proof, then there is no way you are going to replicate my work.

share|cite|improve this question

I found the following result (I apologize if this has been posted before, but I could not find anything here). I am wondering whether there is an approach without using contour integration.

Let $k$ be a nonnegative real number. Prove that $$int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x,left(x^2+1right),textdx=fracpi2,Big(1-exp(-k)Big)=pi,expleft(-frack2right),sinhleft(frack2right),.$$

I am especially interested in a solution not using complex analysis. However, a complex-analytic solution that is different from mine is very welcome as well. I have three approaches, but all of them end up using complex analysis as a major part.

We also have this very nice consequence. This result can be proven on its own without knowing the integral $displaystyle int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x,left(x^2+1right),textdx$.

Let $k$ be a nonnegative real number. Then,

Interestingly, during my quest to obtain this integral, I discovered two more integral relations, although I do not know how to obtain the exact values of any of them. The exact values of these integrals involve the exponential integral $textEi$, where $textEi(x)=displaystyletextPVint_-infty^x,fracexp(t)t,textdt$ for all $xinmathbbR$. Both of the results below also came from contour integrations.

Let $k$ be a nonnegative real number. Then,

Mathematica says that
and that
Here, $gammaapprox 0.57722$ is the Euler-Mascheroni constant.

Approach I.

Consider the meromorphic function $f(z):=dfracexp(textikz)z(z^2+1)$ for all $zin mathbbCsetminus 0,-texti,+texti$. For $epsilonin(0,1)$, let $C_epsilon$ be the positively oriented contour $$left[+epsilon,+frac1epsilonright]cup Biggl,thetain[0,pi]Biggrcupleft[-frac1epsilon,-epsilonright]cup Big,thetain[pi,0]Big,.$$ Write $Gamma_r$ for the positively-oriented (with respect to $0$) semicircle $Bigr,exp(textitheta),Big$ for every $r>0$. We have $$I(k):=limlimits_epsilonto 0^+,oint_C_epsilon,f(z),textdz=2pitexti,textRes_z=textibig(f(z)big)=-pitexti,exp(-k),.$$ Now, note that $$lim_epsilonto0^+,int_Gamma_epsilon,f(z),textdz=pitextitext and lim_epsilonto0^+,int_Gamma_frac1epsilon,f(z),textdz=0,.$$ Because $$I(k)=int_0^infty,fracexp(+textikx)-exp(-textikx)x(x^2+1),textdx-lim_epsilonto0^+,int_Gamma_epsilon,f(z),textdz+lim_epsilonto0^+,int_Gamma_frac1epsilon,f(z),textdz,,$$ we see that $$I(k)=2texti,int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),textdx-pitexti,.$$ The result follows immediately.

Approach II.

We apply Richard Feynman's integral trick. First, define $J(k)$ to be the required integral: $$J(k):=int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),textdx,.$$ Thus, by the Leibniz Integral Rule, we have $J'(k)=displaystyle int_0^infty,fraccos(kx)x^2+1,textdx$. Let $g(z):=dfracexp(textikz)z^2+1$ for all $zinmathbbCsetminus-texti,+texti$. It follows that $$lim_epsilonto0^+,oint_C_epsilon,g(z),textdz=2,int_0^infty,fraccos(kx)x^2+1,textdx,,$$ where $C_epsilon$ is the positively oriented contour $$left[+epsilon,+frac1epsilonright]cup Biggl,thetain[0,pi]Biggrcupleft[-frac1epsilon,-epsilonright]cup Big,thetain[pi,0]Bigtext for epsilonin(0,1),.$$ Furthermore, we have $$oint_C_epsilon,g(z),textdz=2pitexti,textRes_z=textibig(g(z)big)=pi,exp(-k)text for all epsilonin(0,1)$$ Ergo, $J'(k)=displaystyleint_0^infty,fraccos(kx)x^2+1,textdx=dfracpi2,exp(-k)$. Since $J(0)=0$, $$J(k)=int_0^k,J'(t),textdt=fracpi2,int_0^k,exp(-t),textdt=fracpi2,big(1-exp(-k)big),.$$

Approach III.

It is easy to see that $dfracsin(t)t=displaystylefrac12,int_-1^+1,exp(textittau),textdtau$ for all $tneq 0$. That is, the required integral is given by $$beginalignJ(k):=int_0^infty,fracsin(kx)x,left(x^2+1right),textdx&=frac12,int_0^infty,frackx^2+1,int_-1^+1,exp(textikxt),textdt,textdx\&=frac12,int_-infty^+infty,frackx^2+1,int_0^1,exp(textikxt),textdt,textdx,.endalign$$ Using Fubini's Theorem, we obtain $$J(k)=frac12,int_0^1,k,int_-infty^+infty,fracexp(textikxt)x^2+1,textdx,textdt,.$$
For a real number $R>1$, let $gamma_R$ be the positively oriented contour $$[-R,+R]cupbig,thetain[0,2pi]big,.$$ Then, for $omega geq 0$, we have $$lim_Rtoinfty,oint_gamma_R,fracexp(textiomega z)z^2+1,textdz=int_-infty^+infty,fracexp(textiomega x)x^2+1,textdx=:K(omega),.$$ Ergo, $$K(omega)=2pitexti,textRes_z=textileft(fracexp(textiomega z)z^2+1right)=2pitexti,left(fracexp(-omega)2textiright)=pi,exp(-omega),.$$ As $displaystyle J(k)=frac12,int_0^1,k,K(kt),textdt$, we conclude that $$J(k)=fracpi2,int_0^1,k,exp(-kt),textdt=fracpi2,big(1-exp(-k)big),.$$ From this proof, we also obtain $$int_0^infty,fraccos(kx)x^2+1,textdx=frac12,K(k)=fracpi2,exp(-k),.$$

P.S. I put my solutions in spoilers for people who want to try to solve the problem without being led on by my attempts. If you do not want to waste your time doing what I have already done, then please look at the spoilers. All of the solutions in the spoilers are complex-analytic proofs anyhow, so if you are giving me a real-analytic proof, then there is no way you are going to replicate my work.

real-analysis integration definite-integrals improper-integrals contour-integration

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edited Sep 3 at 9:37

asked Aug 2 at 19:19




  • 3

    "I am wondering whether there is an approach without using contour integration." > tags contour-integration
    – Kenny Lau
    Aug 2 at 19:20

  • 2

    @KennyLau Because my solutions involve contour integration.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 2 at 19:20

  • 2

    Spoilers aren't helpful at all in a question. After all, you are looking for solutions other than the approaches you've taken, right? So why play games and hide them behind spoilers?
    – amWhy
    Aug 2 at 19:21

  • 2

    @amWhy Because some people might not want to see a solution. In cases like this, seeing a solution can corrupt one's imagination.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 2 at 19:22

  • 3

    @amWhy The spoilers are for someone who wants to work on this problem without knowing a solution beforehand. I like attacking problems on my own, and believe many people like that too. If you don't want to waste your time, you are welcome to look at the spoilers.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 2 at 19:25

  • 3

    "I am wondering whether there is an approach without using contour integration." > tags contour-integration
    – Kenny Lau
    Aug 2 at 19:20

  • 2

    @KennyLau Because my solutions involve contour integration.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 2 at 19:20

  • 2

    Spoilers aren't helpful at all in a question. After all, you are looking for solutions other than the approaches you've taken, right? So why play games and hide them behind spoilers?
    – amWhy
    Aug 2 at 19:21

  • 2

    @amWhy Because some people might not want to see a solution. In cases like this, seeing a solution can corrupt one's imagination.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 2 at 19:22

  • 3

    @amWhy The spoilers are for someone who wants to work on this problem without knowing a solution beforehand. I like attacking problems on my own, and believe many people like that too. If you don't want to waste your time, you are welcome to look at the spoilers.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 2 at 19:25



"I am wondering whether there is an approach without using contour integration." > tags contour-integration
– Kenny Lau
Aug 2 at 19:20

"I am wondering whether there is an approach without using contour integration." > tags contour-integration
– Kenny Lau
Aug 2 at 19:20



@KennyLau Because my solutions involve contour integration.
– Batominovski
Aug 2 at 19:20

@KennyLau Because my solutions involve contour integration.
– Batominovski
Aug 2 at 19:20



Spoilers aren't helpful at all in a question. After all, you are looking for solutions other than the approaches you've taken, right? So why play games and hide them behind spoilers?
– amWhy
Aug 2 at 19:21

Spoilers aren't helpful at all in a question. After all, you are looking for solutions other than the approaches you've taken, right? So why play games and hide them behind spoilers?
– amWhy
Aug 2 at 19:21



@amWhy Because some people might not want to see a solution. In cases like this, seeing a solution can corrupt one's imagination.
– Batominovski
Aug 2 at 19:22

@amWhy Because some people might not want to see a solution. In cases like this, seeing a solution can corrupt one's imagination.
– Batominovski
Aug 2 at 19:22



@amWhy The spoilers are for someone who wants to work on this problem without knowing a solution beforehand. I like attacking problems on my own, and believe many people like that too. If you don't want to waste your time, you are welcome to look at the spoilers.
– Batominovski
Aug 2 at 19:25

@amWhy The spoilers are for someone who wants to work on this problem without knowing a solution beforehand. I like attacking problems on my own, and believe many people like that too. If you don't want to waste your time, you are welcome to look at the spoilers.
– Batominovski
Aug 2 at 19:25

2 Answers




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down vote



Let $f(k)$ be given by the integral

$$f(k) =int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx tag1$$

Inasmuch as the improper integral $int_0^infty fracxsin(kx)x^2+1,dx$ converges uniformly for $|k|ge delta>0$, we can differentiate twice under the integral in $(1)$ to reveal

$$f''(k)-f(k)=-fracpi2 textsgn(k)tag2$$

Solve $(2)$ subject to the initial conditions $f(0)=0$ and $f'(0)=fracpi2$.


$$int_0^infty fracxsin(kx)x^2+1,dx=int_0^infty frac(x^2+1-1)sin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx=int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x,dx-int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx$$

share|cite|improve this answer

  • I will accept your answer eventually. I just want to wait a bit more. I want to see how many more solutions I can get. By the end of this week, I will accept the answer.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 7 at 16:10

  • @Batominovski Much appreciative.
    – Mark Viola
    Aug 7 at 16:15

  • Many thanks for this great answer by the way. :D
    – Batominovski
    Aug 7 at 16:16

  • You're welcome. It was a pleasure.
    – Mark Viola
    Aug 7 at 16:17

up vote
down vote

You can use a nice property of the Laplace transform to computer your integral:
$$int_0^infty f(x) g(x),dx=int_0^infty mathcalLf(x)(s),mathcalL^-1g(x)(s) ,ds$$
In your case, letting $f(x)=sin (kx)$ and $g(x)=frac1x(x^2+1)$, we can show that
int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx &= kint_0^infty frac1-cos(s)k^2+s^2,ds \
&=fracpi2-kint_0^infty fraccos(s)k^2+s^2,ds \
&=fracpi2-frack2int_-infty^infty frace^isk^2+s^2,ds \
&=fracpi2 - frack2 sqrt2pi ,mathcalFleftfrac1k^2+s^2right(omega)Biggr|_omega=1 \
&= fracpi2 - frack2sqrt2pi sqrtfracpi2 frace^-kk \
&=fracpi2-fracpi2e^-k \
&= fracpi2left(1-e^-kright)
Where we used the Fourier Transform.
$$int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx=fracpi2left(1-e^-kright) quad textfor kinmathbbR^+$$

share|cite|improve this answer

  • If one is going to appeal to a FT table to arrive at a result, then why bother to begin with applying the LT integration by parts? Simply write $$int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx=int_0^k int_0^infty fraccos(k'x)x^2+1,dx,dk'$$
    – Mark Viola
    Aug 6 at 14:37

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2 Answers




2 Answers










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Let $f(k)$ be given by the integral

$$f(k) =int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx tag1$$

Inasmuch as the improper integral $int_0^infty fracxsin(kx)x^2+1,dx$ converges uniformly for $|k|ge delta>0$, we can differentiate twice under the integral in $(1)$ to reveal

$$f''(k)-f(k)=-fracpi2 textsgn(k)tag2$$

Solve $(2)$ subject to the initial conditions $f(0)=0$ and $f'(0)=fracpi2$.


$$int_0^infty fracxsin(kx)x^2+1,dx=int_0^infty frac(x^2+1-1)sin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx=int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x,dx-int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx$$

share|cite|improve this answer

  • I will accept your answer eventually. I just want to wait a bit more. I want to see how many more solutions I can get. By the end of this week, I will accept the answer.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 7 at 16:10

  • @Batominovski Much appreciative.
    – Mark Viola
    Aug 7 at 16:15

  • Many thanks for this great answer by the way. :D
    – Batominovski
    Aug 7 at 16:16

  • You're welcome. It was a pleasure.
    – Mark Viola
    Aug 7 at 16:17

up vote
down vote



Let $f(k)$ be given by the integral

$$f(k) =int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx tag1$$

Inasmuch as the improper integral $int_0^infty fracxsin(kx)x^2+1,dx$ converges uniformly for $|k|ge delta>0$, we can differentiate twice under the integral in $(1)$ to reveal

$$f''(k)-f(k)=-fracpi2 textsgn(k)tag2$$

Solve $(2)$ subject to the initial conditions $f(0)=0$ and $f'(0)=fracpi2$.


$$int_0^infty fracxsin(kx)x^2+1,dx=int_0^infty frac(x^2+1-1)sin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx=int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x,dx-int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx$$

share|cite|improve this answer

  • I will accept your answer eventually. I just want to wait a bit more. I want to see how many more solutions I can get. By the end of this week, I will accept the answer.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 7 at 16:10

  • @Batominovski Much appreciative.
    – Mark Viola
    Aug 7 at 16:15

  • Many thanks for this great answer by the way. :D
    – Batominovski
    Aug 7 at 16:16

  • You're welcome. It was a pleasure.
    – Mark Viola
    Aug 7 at 16:17

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote



Let $f(k)$ be given by the integral

$$f(k) =int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx tag1$$

Inasmuch as the improper integral $int_0^infty fracxsin(kx)x^2+1,dx$ converges uniformly for $|k|ge delta>0$, we can differentiate twice under the integral in $(1)$ to reveal

$$f''(k)-f(k)=-fracpi2 textsgn(k)tag2$$

Solve $(2)$ subject to the initial conditions $f(0)=0$ and $f'(0)=fracpi2$.


$$int_0^infty fracxsin(kx)x^2+1,dx=int_0^infty frac(x^2+1-1)sin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx=int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x,dx-int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx$$

share|cite|improve this answer


Let $f(k)$ be given by the integral

$$f(k) =int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx tag1$$

Inasmuch as the improper integral $int_0^infty fracxsin(kx)x^2+1,dx$ converges uniformly for $|k|ge delta>0$, we can differentiate twice under the integral in $(1)$ to reveal

$$f''(k)-f(k)=-fracpi2 textsgn(k)tag2$$

Solve $(2)$ subject to the initial conditions $f(0)=0$ and $f'(0)=fracpi2$.


$$int_0^infty fracxsin(kx)x^2+1,dx=int_0^infty frac(x^2+1-1)sin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx=int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x,dx-int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx$$

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edited Aug 2 at 22:03

answered Aug 2 at 19:55

Mark Viola



  • I will accept your answer eventually. I just want to wait a bit more. I want to see how many more solutions I can get. By the end of this week, I will accept the answer.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 7 at 16:10

  • @Batominovski Much appreciative.
    – Mark Viola
    Aug 7 at 16:15

  • Many thanks for this great answer by the way. :D
    – Batominovski
    Aug 7 at 16:16

  • You're welcome. It was a pleasure.
    – Mark Viola
    Aug 7 at 16:17

  • I will accept your answer eventually. I just want to wait a bit more. I want to see how many more solutions I can get. By the end of this week, I will accept the answer.
    – Batominovski
    Aug 7 at 16:10

  • @Batominovski Much appreciative.
    – Mark Viola
    Aug 7 at 16:15

  • Many thanks for this great answer by the way. :D
    – Batominovski
    Aug 7 at 16:16

  • You're welcome. It was a pleasure.
    – Mark Viola
    Aug 7 at 16:17

I will accept your answer eventually. I just want to wait a bit more. I want to see how many more solutions I can get. By the end of this week, I will accept the answer.
– Batominovski
Aug 7 at 16:10

I will accept your answer eventually. I just want to wait a bit more. I want to see how many more solutions I can get. By the end of this week, I will accept the answer.
– Batominovski
Aug 7 at 16:10

@Batominovski Much appreciative.
– Mark Viola
Aug 7 at 16:15

@Batominovski Much appreciative.
– Mark Viola
Aug 7 at 16:15

Many thanks for this great answer by the way. :D
– Batominovski
Aug 7 at 16:16

Many thanks for this great answer by the way. :D
– Batominovski
Aug 7 at 16:16

You're welcome. It was a pleasure.
– Mark Viola
Aug 7 at 16:17

You're welcome. It was a pleasure.
– Mark Viola
Aug 7 at 16:17

up vote
down vote

You can use a nice property of the Laplace transform to computer your integral:
$$int_0^infty f(x) g(x),dx=int_0^infty mathcalLf(x)(s),mathcalL^-1g(x)(s) ,ds$$
In your case, letting $f(x)=sin (kx)$ and $g(x)=frac1x(x^2+1)$, we can show that
int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx &= kint_0^infty frac1-cos(s)k^2+s^2,ds \
&=fracpi2-kint_0^infty fraccos(s)k^2+s^2,ds \
&=fracpi2-frack2int_-infty^infty frace^isk^2+s^2,ds \
&=fracpi2 - frack2 sqrt2pi ,mathcalFleftfrac1k^2+s^2right(omega)Biggr|_omega=1 \
&= fracpi2 - frack2sqrt2pi sqrtfracpi2 frace^-kk \
&=fracpi2-fracpi2e^-k \
&= fracpi2left(1-e^-kright)
Where we used the Fourier Transform.
$$int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx=fracpi2left(1-e^-kright) quad textfor kinmathbbR^+$$

share|cite|improve this answer

  • If one is going to appeal to a FT table to arrive at a result, then why bother to begin with applying the LT integration by parts? Simply write $$int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx=int_0^k int_0^infty fraccos(k'x)x^2+1,dx,dk'$$
    – Mark Viola
    Aug 6 at 14:37

up vote
down vote

You can use a nice property of the Laplace transform to computer your integral:
$$int_0^infty f(x) g(x),dx=int_0^infty mathcalLf(x)(s),mathcalL^-1g(x)(s) ,ds$$
In your case, letting $f(x)=sin (kx)$ and $g(x)=frac1x(x^2+1)$, we can show that
int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx &= kint_0^infty frac1-cos(s)k^2+s^2,ds \
&=fracpi2-kint_0^infty fraccos(s)k^2+s^2,ds \
&=fracpi2-frack2int_-infty^infty frace^isk^2+s^2,ds \
&=fracpi2 - frack2 sqrt2pi ,mathcalFleftfrac1k^2+s^2right(omega)Biggr|_omega=1 \
&= fracpi2 - frack2sqrt2pi sqrtfracpi2 frace^-kk \
&=fracpi2-fracpi2e^-k \
&= fracpi2left(1-e^-kright)
Where we used the Fourier Transform.
$$int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx=fracpi2left(1-e^-kright) quad textfor kinmathbbR^+$$

share|cite|improve this answer

  • If one is going to appeal to a FT table to arrive at a result, then why bother to begin with applying the LT integration by parts? Simply write $$int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx=int_0^k int_0^infty fraccos(k'x)x^2+1,dx,dk'$$
    – Mark Viola
    Aug 6 at 14:37

up vote
down vote

up vote
down vote

You can use a nice property of the Laplace transform to computer your integral:
$$int_0^infty f(x) g(x),dx=int_0^infty mathcalLf(x)(s),mathcalL^-1g(x)(s) ,ds$$
In your case, letting $f(x)=sin (kx)$ and $g(x)=frac1x(x^2+1)$, we can show that
int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx &= kint_0^infty frac1-cos(s)k^2+s^2,ds \
&=fracpi2-kint_0^infty fraccos(s)k^2+s^2,ds \
&=fracpi2-frack2int_-infty^infty frace^isk^2+s^2,ds \
&=fracpi2 - frack2 sqrt2pi ,mathcalFleftfrac1k^2+s^2right(omega)Biggr|_omega=1 \
&= fracpi2 - frack2sqrt2pi sqrtfracpi2 frace^-kk \
&=fracpi2-fracpi2e^-k \
&= fracpi2left(1-e^-kright)
Where we used the Fourier Transform.
$$int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx=fracpi2left(1-e^-kright) quad textfor kinmathbbR^+$$

share|cite|improve this answer

You can use a nice property of the Laplace transform to computer your integral:
$$int_0^infty f(x) g(x),dx=int_0^infty mathcalLf(x)(s),mathcalL^-1g(x)(s) ,ds$$
In your case, letting $f(x)=sin (kx)$ and $g(x)=frac1x(x^2+1)$, we can show that
int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx &= kint_0^infty frac1-cos(s)k^2+s^2,ds \
&=fracpi2-kint_0^infty fraccos(s)k^2+s^2,ds \
&=fracpi2-frack2int_-infty^infty frace^isk^2+s^2,ds \
&=fracpi2 - frack2 sqrt2pi ,mathcalFleftfrac1k^2+s^2right(omega)Biggr|_omega=1 \
&= fracpi2 - frack2sqrt2pi sqrtfracpi2 frace^-kk \
&=fracpi2-fracpi2e^-k \
&= fracpi2left(1-e^-kright)
Where we used the Fourier Transform.
$$int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx=fracpi2left(1-e^-kright) quad textfor kinmathbbR^+$$

share|cite|improve this answer

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share|cite|improve this answer

answered Aug 3 at 2:56




  • If one is going to appeal to a FT table to arrive at a result, then why bother to begin with applying the LT integration by parts? Simply write $$int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx=int_0^k int_0^infty fraccos(k'x)x^2+1,dx,dk'$$
    – Mark Viola
    Aug 6 at 14:37

  • If one is going to appeal to a FT table to arrive at a result, then why bother to begin with applying the LT integration by parts? Simply write $$int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx=int_0^k int_0^infty fraccos(k'x)x^2+1,dx,dk'$$
    – Mark Viola
    Aug 6 at 14:37

If one is going to appeal to a FT table to arrive at a result, then why bother to begin with applying the LT integration by parts? Simply write $$int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx=int_0^k int_0^infty fraccos(k'x)x^2+1,dx,dk'$$
– Mark Viola
Aug 6 at 14:37

If one is going to appeal to a FT table to arrive at a result, then why bother to begin with applying the LT integration by parts? Simply write $$int_0^infty fracsin(kx)x(x^2+1),dx=int_0^k int_0^infty fraccos(k'x)x^2+1,dx,dk'$$
– Mark Viola
Aug 6 at 14:37


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