Rotate 3D coordinate system such that z-axis is parallel to a given vector

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Assume I have a Cartesian $xyz$ coordinate system with a point $p=(p_x,p_y,p_z)$. In addition a vector $n=(n_x,n_y,n_z)$ is given.

  1. How do I rotate the coordinate system to obtain a new $uvw$ system such that the $w$-axis is parallel to the vector $n$?

  2. How do I obtain the coordinates of $p$ in the $uvw$-system?

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    Assume I have a Cartesian $xyz$ coordinate system with a point $p=(p_x,p_y,p_z)$. In addition a vector $n=(n_x,n_y,n_z)$ is given.

    1. How do I rotate the coordinate system to obtain a new $uvw$ system such that the $w$-axis is parallel to the vector $n$?

    2. How do I obtain the coordinates of $p$ in the $uvw$-system?

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      Assume I have a Cartesian $xyz$ coordinate system with a point $p=(p_x,p_y,p_z)$. In addition a vector $n=(n_x,n_y,n_z)$ is given.

      1. How do I rotate the coordinate system to obtain a new $uvw$ system such that the $w$-axis is parallel to the vector $n$?

      2. How do I obtain the coordinates of $p$ in the $uvw$-system?

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      Assume I have a Cartesian $xyz$ coordinate system with a point $p=(p_x,p_y,p_z)$. In addition a vector $n=(n_x,n_y,n_z)$ is given.

      1. How do I rotate the coordinate system to obtain a new $uvw$ system such that the $w$-axis is parallel to the vector $n$?

      2. How do I obtain the coordinates of $p$ in the $uvw$-system?

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      asked Oct 28 '13 at 13:37

      Håkon Hægland



          3 Answers




          up vote
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          There are two equivalent ways of doing this.

          Let $hat x, hat y, hat z$ be your basis vectors. the first approach is to construct a rotation map that maps $hat z mapsto hat z' = hat n$. Then, the images $hat x', hat y', hat z'$ are equal to the new coordinate basis vectors $hat u, hat v, hat w$. You can extract the components of $p$ using dot products (i.e. $p_u = p cdot hat u$, and so on) in the usual manner. Geometrically, this is about rotating the axes to find the new basis vectors.

          The other option is to construct the inverse map, which maps $hat n mapsto hat z$. Then, the $xyz$-components of any image vector are the $uvw$-components of the corresponding input vector. Geometrically, you're rotating all inputs while keeping the coordinate system fixed, so you can extract new components while using the old coordinate basis. You never find the new basis vectors this way, but you don't absolutely need them. Thus, the image of $p$ under this rotation would be $p_u hat x + p_v hat y + p_w hat z$.

          The big question, then, is how to compute the rotation map. Doing this with matrices could be pretty onerous. I suggest a solution using quaternions. Find the axis perpendicular to $hat z$ and $n$, probably using the cross product. Call this axis $hat b$. Find the angle $theta$ between $hat z$ and $n$, probably using $hat z cdot hat n = cos theta$. Write all the vectors using pure imaginary quaternions, and you can create a rotation map

          $$R(a) = e^hat b theta/2 a e^-hat b theta/2$$

          If you found $hat b$ by using $hat z times hat n$, then this corresponds to the first case I described, rotating $hat z mapsto hat n$. If you chose $-hat b$ instead, then this rotates $hat n mapsto hat z$, and it corresponds to the second case.

          Quaternions (or their big brothers, rotors in a clifford algebra) are very useful for calculating rotations of single vectors, or rotations that do not conform to using rotations only with respect to coordinate axes.

          share|cite|improve this answer

          • Thanks for the interesting answer. But I am going to use this in a computer program and I am not familiar with quaternions..
            – Håkon Hægland
            Oct 28 '13 at 14:43

          • Is that so? Quaternions are heavily used in computer programming, so there is often support for using them (so you don't usually have to implement them from scratch). What language are you using?
            – Muphrid
            Oct 28 '13 at 14:45

          • I am using Matlab.
            – Håkon Hægland
            Oct 28 '13 at 14:58

          • Good, Matlab seems to have decent quaternion support, and can compute the rotation matrix that corresponds to a given quaternion. See
            – Muphrid
            Oct 28 '13 at 20:22

          • Thanks! I will try that. What is actually $a$ in the above formula?
            – Håkon Hægland
            Oct 28 '13 at 21:59

          up vote
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          Based on the answer of @Muphrid and using the formula given at:

          I summarize the steps for later reference:

          Let $hatn = n/|n|$, $theta=cos^-1(hatkcdot hatn)$, $b=hatktimes hatn$, and
          $hatb=(hatb_x,hatb_y,hatb_z)=b/|b|$. Then define:

          • $q_0=cos(theta/2)$,

          • $q_1=sin(theta/2)hatb_x$,

          • $q_2=sin(theta/2)hatb_y$,

          • $q_3=sin(theta/2)hatb_z$,


          q_0^2+q_1^2-q_2^2-q_3^2 & 2(q_1q_2-q_0q_3) & 2(q_1q_3+q_0q_2)\
          2(q_2q_1+q_0q_3) & q_0^2-q_1^2+q_2^2-q_3^2 & 2(q_2q_3-q_0q_1\
          2(q_3q_1-q_0q_2) & 2(q_3q_2+q_0q_1) & q_0^2-q_1^2-q_2^2+q_3^2

          We then have:

          • $hatu=Qhati$,

          • $hatv=Qhatj$,

          • $hatw=Qhatk=hatn$.

          The new coordinate of $p$ becomes

          share|cite|improve this answer

          • Yeah, I guess matlab may not have a good quaternion to matrix conversion function built in, or it may be they assume you'll just use quats to do rotations without going to a matrix representation.
            – Muphrid
            Oct 29 '13 at 1:02

          • Excuse me for commenting so long after your post, but I came across this Q&A while almost posting a similar question just now. Your $hat kcdot n$ argument to $cos^-1$ ... that should be $hat n$, right? A unit vector in the $vec n$-direction (otherwise $cos^-1$ might get out-of-bounds args)? Thanks.
            – John Forkosh
            Sep 18 '16 at 5:25

          • 1

            @JohnForkosh Thanks for the comment! I have updated the answer.
            – Håkon Hægland
            Sep 18 '16 at 7:44

          • Thanks for the clarification, HÃ¥kon. I've added an "answer" below that just extends this comment becuase the image can't be put in a comment...
            – John Forkosh
            Sep 18 '16 at 9:49

          up vote
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          Thanks for clarifying your preceding answer in reply to my comment, @HåkonHægland I was studying it so very closely because I want/intend to code it in my "stringart" (technically, "symmography") C program that does stuff like this...

          enter image description here

          So the projective geometry code already kind of works, but is ad-hoc/ugly/etc, and I've been meaning to develop a little library for these manipulations, and try to write it as elegantly as I can. So I want to get the approach (quaternions, euler angles, what have you) and the corresponding math completely and correctly figured out first.

          Edit I've cobbled together a first cut of that little library, based on your algorithms above (and on the page you linked), which is gpl'ed, and which you can get from

          It has an embedded test driver

          cc -DQRTESTDRIVE quatrot.c -lm -o quatrot

          and seems to be working exactly as you advertised. The comment block in the test driver main() has simple usage instructions. I'm not 100% happy with the functional decomposition yet, i.e., should simultaneously be easy-to-use for the programmer while intuitively obvious for the mathematician. But the main thing is it works (seems to as far as I've tested it). The whole thing is 460 lines, so I won't reproduce it all here (easier to just get it from the link above, anyway). Two of the functions, mainly based on are...

          /* ==========================================================================
          * Function: qrotate ( LINE axis, double theta )
          * Purpose: returns quaternion corresponding to rotation
          * through theta (**in radians**) around axis
          * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
          * Arguments: axis (I) LINE axis around which rotation by theta
          * is to occur
          * theta (I) double theta rotation **in radians**
          * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
          * Returns: ( QUAT ) quaternion corresponding to rotation
          * through theta around axis
          * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
          * Notes: o Rotation direction determined by right-hand screw rule
          * (when subsequent qmultiply() is called with istranspose=0)
          * ======================================================================= */
          /* --- entry point --- */
          QUAT qrotate ( LINE axis, double theta )

          /* --- allocations and declarations --- */
          QUAT q = cos(0.5*theta), 0.,0.,0. ; /* constructed quaternion */
          double x = axis.pt2.x - axis.pt1.x, /* length of x-component of axis */
          y = axis.pt2.y - axis.pt1.y, /* length of y-component of axis */
          z = axis.pt2.z - axis.pt1.z; /* length of z-component of axis */
          double r = sqrt((x*x)+(y*y)+(z*z)); /* length of axis */
          double qsin = sin(0.5*theta); /* for q1,q2,q3 components */
          /* --- construct quaternion and return it to caller */
          if ( r >= 0.0000001 ) /* error check */
          q.q1 = qsin*x/r; /* x-component */
          q.q2 = qsin*y/r; /* y-component */
          q.q3 = qsin*z/r; /* z-component */
          return ( q );
          /* --- end-of-function qrotate() --- */

          /* ==========================================================================
          * Function: qmatrix ( QUAT q )
          * Purpose: returns 3x3 rotation matrix corresponding to quaternion q
          * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
          * Arguments: q (I) QUAT q for which a rotation matrix
          * is to be constructed
          * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
          * Returns: ( double * ) 3x3 rotation matrix, stored row-wise
          * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
          * Notes: o The matrix constructed from input q = q0+q1*i+q2*j+q3*k is:
          * (q0²+q1²-q2²-q3²) 2(q1q2-q0q3) 2(q1q3+q0q2)
          * Q = 2(q2q1+q0q3) (q0²-q1²+q2²-q3²) 2(q2q3-q0q1)
          * 2(q3q1-q0q2) 2(q3q2+q0q1) (q0²-q1²-q2²+q3²)
          * o The returned matrix is stored row-wise, i.e., explicitly
          * --------- first row ----------
          * qmatrix[0] = (q0²+q1²-q2²-q3²)
          * [1] = 2(q1q2-q0q3)
          * [2] = 2(q1q3+q0q2)
          * --------- second row ---------
          * [3] = 2(q2q1+q0q3)
          * [4] = (q0²-q1²+q2²-q3²)
          * [5] = 2(q2q3-q0q1)
          * --------- third row ----------
          * [6] = 2(q3q1-q0q2)
          * [7] = 2(q3q2+q0q1)
          * [8] = (q0²-q1²-q2²+q3²)
          * o qmatrix maintains a static buffer of 64 3x3 matrices
          * returned to the caller one at a time. So you may issue
          * 64 qmatrix() calls and continue using all returned matrices.
          * But the 65th call re-uses the memory used by the 1st call, etc.
          * ======================================================================= */
          /* --- entry point --- */
          double *qmatrix ( QUAT q )

          /* --- allocations and declarations --- */
          static double Qbuff[64][9]; /* up to 64 calls before wrap-around */
          static int ibuff = (-1); /* Qbuff[ibuff] index 0<=ibuff<=63 */
          double *Q = NULL; /* returned ptr Q=Qbuff[ibuff] */
          double q0=q.q0, q1=q.q1, q2=q.q2, q3=q.q3; /* input quaternion components */
          double q02=q0*q0, q12=q1*q1, q22=q2*q2, q32=q3*q3; /* components squared */
          /* --- first maintain Qbuff[ibuff] buffer --- */
          if ( ++ibuff > 63 ) ibuff=0; /* wrap Qbuff[ibuff] index */
          Q = Qbuff[ibuff]; /* ptr to current 3x3 buffer */
          /* --- just do the algebra described in the above comments --- */
          Q[0] = (q02+q12-q22-q32);
          Q[1] = 2.*(q1*q2-q0*q3);
          Q[2] = 2.*(q1*q3+q0*q2);
          Q[3] = 2.*(q2*q1+q0*q3);
          Q[4] = (q02-q12+q22-q32);
          Q[5] = 2.*(q2*q3-q0*q1);
          Q[6] = 2.*(q3*q1-q0*q2);
          Q[7] = 2.*(q3*q2+q0*q1);
          Q[8] = (q02-q12-q22+q32);
          /* --- return constructed quaternion to caller */
          return ( Q );
          /* --- end-of-function qmatrix() --- */

          It's the main() test driver that contains the code based on your additional discussion rotating $x,y,zto u,v,w$, and then projecting given point $p$ to get components along the new axes (snippet)...

           int ipt=0, npts=4; /* testpoints index, #test points */
          POINT testpoints = /* test points for quatrot funcs */
          000.,000.,000., 100.,000.,000., 000.,100.,000., 000.,000.,100.
          /* --- test data for simple rotations around given test axis --- */
          QUAT q = qrotate(axis,pi*theta/180.); /* rotation quaternion */
          double *Q = qmatrix(q); /* quat rotation matrix */
          /* --- test data to rotate z-axis to given axis and project points --- */
          double thetatoz = acos(dotprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* rotate axis to z */
          LINE bhat = unitvec(crossprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* as per stackexch */
          QUAT qtoz = qrotate(bhat,thetatoz); /* quat to rotate z to axis */
          double *Qtoz = qmatrix(qtoz); /* quat matrix to rotate z to axis */
          LINE uhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,ihat.pt2,0) , /*new x-axis*/
          vhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,jhat.pt2,0) , /*new y-axis*/
          what = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,khat.pt2,0) ; /*z=testaxis?*/
          /* --- apply rotations/projections to testpoints --- */
          fprintf(msgfp," theta: %.3fn",theta);
          prtline (" axis:",&axis);
          for ( ipt=0; ipt<npts; ipt++ ) /* rotate each test point */
          /* --- select test point --- */
          POINT pt = testpoints[ipt]; /* current test point */
          /* --- rotate test point around axis in existing x,y,z coords --- */
          POINT ptrot = qmultiply(Q,pt,0); /* rotate pt around axis by theta */
          POINT pttran= qmultiply(Q,pt,1); /* transpose rotation */
          /* --- project test point to rotated axes, where given axis=z-axis --- */
          POINT pttoz = dotprod(pt,uhat),dotprod(pt,vhat),dotprod(pt,what) ;
          /* --- display test results --- */
          prtpoint(" testpoint: ",&pt); /* current test point... */
          prtpoint(" rotated: ",&ptrot); /* ...rotated around given axis */
          prtpoint(" transpose rot: ",&pttran); /* ...transpose rotation */
          prtpoint(" axis=z-axis: ",&pttoz); /* ...coords when axis=z-axis */
          /* --- end-of-for(ipt) --- */

          That snippet above may be a little difficult to read out-of-context (see the main() function for full context), but it's the stuff there like...

           /* --- test data to rotate z-axis to given axis and project points --- */
          double thetatoz = acos(dotprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* rotate axis to z */
          LINE bhat = unitvec(crossprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* as per stackexch */
          QUAT qtoz = qrotate(bhat,thetatoz); /* quat to rotate z to axis */
          double *Qtoz = qmatrix(qtoz); /* quat matrix to rotate z to axis */
          LINE uhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,ihat.pt2,0) , /*new x-axis*/
          vhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,jhat.pt2,0) , /*new y-axis*/
          what = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,khat.pt2,0) ; /*z=testaxis?*/

          which is pretty much word-for-word, so to speak, what you wrote above. At least I hope it is.:)

          share|cite|improve this answer

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            3 Answers




            3 Answers










            up vote
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            There are two equivalent ways of doing this.

            Let $hat x, hat y, hat z$ be your basis vectors. the first approach is to construct a rotation map that maps $hat z mapsto hat z' = hat n$. Then, the images $hat x', hat y', hat z'$ are equal to the new coordinate basis vectors $hat u, hat v, hat w$. You can extract the components of $p$ using dot products (i.e. $p_u = p cdot hat u$, and so on) in the usual manner. Geometrically, this is about rotating the axes to find the new basis vectors.

            The other option is to construct the inverse map, which maps $hat n mapsto hat z$. Then, the $xyz$-components of any image vector are the $uvw$-components of the corresponding input vector. Geometrically, you're rotating all inputs while keeping the coordinate system fixed, so you can extract new components while using the old coordinate basis. You never find the new basis vectors this way, but you don't absolutely need them. Thus, the image of $p$ under this rotation would be $p_u hat x + p_v hat y + p_w hat z$.

            The big question, then, is how to compute the rotation map. Doing this with matrices could be pretty onerous. I suggest a solution using quaternions. Find the axis perpendicular to $hat z$ and $n$, probably using the cross product. Call this axis $hat b$. Find the angle $theta$ between $hat z$ and $n$, probably using $hat z cdot hat n = cos theta$. Write all the vectors using pure imaginary quaternions, and you can create a rotation map

            $$R(a) = e^hat b theta/2 a e^-hat b theta/2$$

            If you found $hat b$ by using $hat z times hat n$, then this corresponds to the first case I described, rotating $hat z mapsto hat n$. If you chose $-hat b$ instead, then this rotates $hat n mapsto hat z$, and it corresponds to the second case.

            Quaternions (or their big brothers, rotors in a clifford algebra) are very useful for calculating rotations of single vectors, or rotations that do not conform to using rotations only with respect to coordinate axes.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • Thanks for the interesting answer. But I am going to use this in a computer program and I am not familiar with quaternions..
              – Håkon Hægland
              Oct 28 '13 at 14:43

            • Is that so? Quaternions are heavily used in computer programming, so there is often support for using them (so you don't usually have to implement them from scratch). What language are you using?
              – Muphrid
              Oct 28 '13 at 14:45

            • I am using Matlab.
              – Håkon Hægland
              Oct 28 '13 at 14:58

            • Good, Matlab seems to have decent quaternion support, and can compute the rotation matrix that corresponds to a given quaternion. See
              – Muphrid
              Oct 28 '13 at 20:22

            • Thanks! I will try that. What is actually $a$ in the above formula?
              – Håkon Hægland
              Oct 28 '13 at 21:59

            up vote
            down vote


            There are two equivalent ways of doing this.

            Let $hat x, hat y, hat z$ be your basis vectors. the first approach is to construct a rotation map that maps $hat z mapsto hat z' = hat n$. Then, the images $hat x', hat y', hat z'$ are equal to the new coordinate basis vectors $hat u, hat v, hat w$. You can extract the components of $p$ using dot products (i.e. $p_u = p cdot hat u$, and so on) in the usual manner. Geometrically, this is about rotating the axes to find the new basis vectors.

            The other option is to construct the inverse map, which maps $hat n mapsto hat z$. Then, the $xyz$-components of any image vector are the $uvw$-components of the corresponding input vector. Geometrically, you're rotating all inputs while keeping the coordinate system fixed, so you can extract new components while using the old coordinate basis. You never find the new basis vectors this way, but you don't absolutely need them. Thus, the image of $p$ under this rotation would be $p_u hat x + p_v hat y + p_w hat z$.

            The big question, then, is how to compute the rotation map. Doing this with matrices could be pretty onerous. I suggest a solution using quaternions. Find the axis perpendicular to $hat z$ and $n$, probably using the cross product. Call this axis $hat b$. Find the angle $theta$ between $hat z$ and $n$, probably using $hat z cdot hat n = cos theta$. Write all the vectors using pure imaginary quaternions, and you can create a rotation map

            $$R(a) = e^hat b theta/2 a e^-hat b theta/2$$

            If you found $hat b$ by using $hat z times hat n$, then this corresponds to the first case I described, rotating $hat z mapsto hat n$. If you chose $-hat b$ instead, then this rotates $hat n mapsto hat z$, and it corresponds to the second case.

            Quaternions (or their big brothers, rotors in a clifford algebra) are very useful for calculating rotations of single vectors, or rotations that do not conform to using rotations only with respect to coordinate axes.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • Thanks for the interesting answer. But I am going to use this in a computer program and I am not familiar with quaternions..
              – Håkon Hægland
              Oct 28 '13 at 14:43

            • Is that so? Quaternions are heavily used in computer programming, so there is often support for using them (so you don't usually have to implement them from scratch). What language are you using?
              – Muphrid
              Oct 28 '13 at 14:45

            • I am using Matlab.
              – Håkon Hægland
              Oct 28 '13 at 14:58

            • Good, Matlab seems to have decent quaternion support, and can compute the rotation matrix that corresponds to a given quaternion. See
              – Muphrid
              Oct 28 '13 at 20:22

            • Thanks! I will try that. What is actually $a$ in the above formula?
              – Håkon Hægland
              Oct 28 '13 at 21:59

            up vote
            down vote


            up vote
            down vote


            There are two equivalent ways of doing this.

            Let $hat x, hat y, hat z$ be your basis vectors. the first approach is to construct a rotation map that maps $hat z mapsto hat z' = hat n$. Then, the images $hat x', hat y', hat z'$ are equal to the new coordinate basis vectors $hat u, hat v, hat w$. You can extract the components of $p$ using dot products (i.e. $p_u = p cdot hat u$, and so on) in the usual manner. Geometrically, this is about rotating the axes to find the new basis vectors.

            The other option is to construct the inverse map, which maps $hat n mapsto hat z$. Then, the $xyz$-components of any image vector are the $uvw$-components of the corresponding input vector. Geometrically, you're rotating all inputs while keeping the coordinate system fixed, so you can extract new components while using the old coordinate basis. You never find the new basis vectors this way, but you don't absolutely need them. Thus, the image of $p$ under this rotation would be $p_u hat x + p_v hat y + p_w hat z$.

            The big question, then, is how to compute the rotation map. Doing this with matrices could be pretty onerous. I suggest a solution using quaternions. Find the axis perpendicular to $hat z$ and $n$, probably using the cross product. Call this axis $hat b$. Find the angle $theta$ between $hat z$ and $n$, probably using $hat z cdot hat n = cos theta$. Write all the vectors using pure imaginary quaternions, and you can create a rotation map

            $$R(a) = e^hat b theta/2 a e^-hat b theta/2$$

            If you found $hat b$ by using $hat z times hat n$, then this corresponds to the first case I described, rotating $hat z mapsto hat n$. If you chose $-hat b$ instead, then this rotates $hat n mapsto hat z$, and it corresponds to the second case.

            Quaternions (or their big brothers, rotors in a clifford algebra) are very useful for calculating rotations of single vectors, or rotations that do not conform to using rotations only with respect to coordinate axes.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            There are two equivalent ways of doing this.

            Let $hat x, hat y, hat z$ be your basis vectors. the first approach is to construct a rotation map that maps $hat z mapsto hat z' = hat n$. Then, the images $hat x', hat y', hat z'$ are equal to the new coordinate basis vectors $hat u, hat v, hat w$. You can extract the components of $p$ using dot products (i.e. $p_u = p cdot hat u$, and so on) in the usual manner. Geometrically, this is about rotating the axes to find the new basis vectors.

            The other option is to construct the inverse map, which maps $hat n mapsto hat z$. Then, the $xyz$-components of any image vector are the $uvw$-components of the corresponding input vector. Geometrically, you're rotating all inputs while keeping the coordinate system fixed, so you can extract new components while using the old coordinate basis. You never find the new basis vectors this way, but you don't absolutely need them. Thus, the image of $p$ under this rotation would be $p_u hat x + p_v hat y + p_w hat z$.

            The big question, then, is how to compute the rotation map. Doing this with matrices could be pretty onerous. I suggest a solution using quaternions. Find the axis perpendicular to $hat z$ and $n$, probably using the cross product. Call this axis $hat b$. Find the angle $theta$ between $hat z$ and $n$, probably using $hat z cdot hat n = cos theta$. Write all the vectors using pure imaginary quaternions, and you can create a rotation map

            $$R(a) = e^hat b theta/2 a e^-hat b theta/2$$

            If you found $hat b$ by using $hat z times hat n$, then this corresponds to the first case I described, rotating $hat z mapsto hat n$. If you chose $-hat b$ instead, then this rotates $hat n mapsto hat z$, and it corresponds to the second case.

            Quaternions (or their big brothers, rotors in a clifford algebra) are very useful for calculating rotations of single vectors, or rotations that do not conform to using rotations only with respect to coordinate axes.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            answered Oct 28 '13 at 14:25




            • Thanks for the interesting answer. But I am going to use this in a computer program and I am not familiar with quaternions..
              – Håkon Hægland
              Oct 28 '13 at 14:43

            • Is that so? Quaternions are heavily used in computer programming, so there is often support for using them (so you don't usually have to implement them from scratch). What language are you using?
              – Muphrid
              Oct 28 '13 at 14:45

            • I am using Matlab.
              – Håkon Hægland
              Oct 28 '13 at 14:58

            • Good, Matlab seems to have decent quaternion support, and can compute the rotation matrix that corresponds to a given quaternion. See
              – Muphrid
              Oct 28 '13 at 20:22

            • Thanks! I will try that. What is actually $a$ in the above formula?
              – Håkon Hægland
              Oct 28 '13 at 21:59

            • Thanks for the interesting answer. But I am going to use this in a computer program and I am not familiar with quaternions..
              – Håkon Hægland
              Oct 28 '13 at 14:43

            • Is that so? Quaternions are heavily used in computer programming, so there is often support for using them (so you don't usually have to implement them from scratch). What language are you using?
              – Muphrid
              Oct 28 '13 at 14:45

            • I am using Matlab.
              – Håkon Hægland
              Oct 28 '13 at 14:58

            • Good, Matlab seems to have decent quaternion support, and can compute the rotation matrix that corresponds to a given quaternion. See
              – Muphrid
              Oct 28 '13 at 20:22

            • Thanks! I will try that. What is actually $a$ in the above formula?
              – Håkon Hægland
              Oct 28 '13 at 21:59

            Thanks for the interesting answer. But I am going to use this in a computer program and I am not familiar with quaternions..
            – Håkon Hægland
            Oct 28 '13 at 14:43

            Thanks for the interesting answer. But I am going to use this in a computer program and I am not familiar with quaternions..
            – Håkon Hægland
            Oct 28 '13 at 14:43

            Is that so? Quaternions are heavily used in computer programming, so there is often support for using them (so you don't usually have to implement them from scratch). What language are you using?
            – Muphrid
            Oct 28 '13 at 14:45

            Is that so? Quaternions are heavily used in computer programming, so there is often support for using them (so you don't usually have to implement them from scratch). What language are you using?
            – Muphrid
            Oct 28 '13 at 14:45

            I am using Matlab.
            – Håkon Hægland
            Oct 28 '13 at 14:58

            I am using Matlab.
            – Håkon Hægland
            Oct 28 '13 at 14:58

            Good, Matlab seems to have decent quaternion support, and can compute the rotation matrix that corresponds to a given quaternion. See
            – Muphrid
            Oct 28 '13 at 20:22

            Good, Matlab seems to have decent quaternion support, and can compute the rotation matrix that corresponds to a given quaternion. See
            – Muphrid
            Oct 28 '13 at 20:22

            Thanks! I will try that. What is actually $a$ in the above formula?
            – Håkon Hægland
            Oct 28 '13 at 21:59

            Thanks! I will try that. What is actually $a$ in the above formula?
            – Håkon Hægland
            Oct 28 '13 at 21:59

            up vote
            down vote

            Based on the answer of @Muphrid and using the formula given at:


            I summarize the steps for later reference:

            Let $hatn = n/|n|$, $theta=cos^-1(hatkcdot hatn)$, $b=hatktimes hatn$, and
            $hatb=(hatb_x,hatb_y,hatb_z)=b/|b|$. Then define:

            • $q_0=cos(theta/2)$,

            • $q_1=sin(theta/2)hatb_x$,

            • $q_2=sin(theta/2)hatb_y$,

            • $q_3=sin(theta/2)hatb_z$,


            q_0^2+q_1^2-q_2^2-q_3^2 & 2(q_1q_2-q_0q_3) & 2(q_1q_3+q_0q_2)\
            2(q_2q_1+q_0q_3) & q_0^2-q_1^2+q_2^2-q_3^2 & 2(q_2q_3-q_0q_1\
            2(q_3q_1-q_0q_2) & 2(q_3q_2+q_0q_1) & q_0^2-q_1^2-q_2^2+q_3^2

            We then have:

            • $hatu=Qhati$,

            • $hatv=Qhatj$,

            • $hatw=Qhatk=hatn$.

            The new coordinate of $p$ becomes

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • Yeah, I guess matlab may not have a good quaternion to matrix conversion function built in, or it may be they assume you'll just use quats to do rotations without going to a matrix representation.
              – Muphrid
              Oct 29 '13 at 1:02

            • Excuse me for commenting so long after your post, but I came across this Q&A while almost posting a similar question just now. Your $hat kcdot n$ argument to $cos^-1$ ... that should be $hat n$, right? A unit vector in the $vec n$-direction (otherwise $cos^-1$ might get out-of-bounds args)? Thanks.
              – John Forkosh
              Sep 18 '16 at 5:25

            • 1

              @JohnForkosh Thanks for the comment! I have updated the answer.
              – Håkon Hægland
              Sep 18 '16 at 7:44

            • Thanks for the clarification, HÃ¥kon. I've added an "answer" below that just extends this comment becuase the image can't be put in a comment...
              – John Forkosh
              Sep 18 '16 at 9:49

            up vote
            down vote

            Based on the answer of @Muphrid and using the formula given at:


            I summarize the steps for later reference:

            Let $hatn = n/|n|$, $theta=cos^-1(hatkcdot hatn)$, $b=hatktimes hatn$, and
            $hatb=(hatb_x,hatb_y,hatb_z)=b/|b|$. Then define:

            • $q_0=cos(theta/2)$,

            • $q_1=sin(theta/2)hatb_x$,

            • $q_2=sin(theta/2)hatb_y$,

            • $q_3=sin(theta/2)hatb_z$,


            q_0^2+q_1^2-q_2^2-q_3^2 & 2(q_1q_2-q_0q_3) & 2(q_1q_3+q_0q_2)\
            2(q_2q_1+q_0q_3) & q_0^2-q_1^2+q_2^2-q_3^2 & 2(q_2q_3-q_0q_1\
            2(q_3q_1-q_0q_2) & 2(q_3q_2+q_0q_1) & q_0^2-q_1^2-q_2^2+q_3^2

            We then have:

            • $hatu=Qhati$,

            • $hatv=Qhatj$,

            • $hatw=Qhatk=hatn$.

            The new coordinate of $p$ becomes

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • Yeah, I guess matlab may not have a good quaternion to matrix conversion function built in, or it may be they assume you'll just use quats to do rotations without going to a matrix representation.
              – Muphrid
              Oct 29 '13 at 1:02

            • Excuse me for commenting so long after your post, but I came across this Q&A while almost posting a similar question just now. Your $hat kcdot n$ argument to $cos^-1$ ... that should be $hat n$, right? A unit vector in the $vec n$-direction (otherwise $cos^-1$ might get out-of-bounds args)? Thanks.
              – John Forkosh
              Sep 18 '16 at 5:25

            • 1

              @JohnForkosh Thanks for the comment! I have updated the answer.
              – Håkon Hægland
              Sep 18 '16 at 7:44

            • Thanks for the clarification, HÃ¥kon. I've added an "answer" below that just extends this comment becuase the image can't be put in a comment...
              – John Forkosh
              Sep 18 '16 at 9:49

            up vote
            down vote

            up vote
            down vote

            Based on the answer of @Muphrid and using the formula given at:


            I summarize the steps for later reference:

            Let $hatn = n/|n|$, $theta=cos^-1(hatkcdot hatn)$, $b=hatktimes hatn$, and
            $hatb=(hatb_x,hatb_y,hatb_z)=b/|b|$. Then define:

            • $q_0=cos(theta/2)$,

            • $q_1=sin(theta/2)hatb_x$,

            • $q_2=sin(theta/2)hatb_y$,

            • $q_3=sin(theta/2)hatb_z$,


            q_0^2+q_1^2-q_2^2-q_3^2 & 2(q_1q_2-q_0q_3) & 2(q_1q_3+q_0q_2)\
            2(q_2q_1+q_0q_3) & q_0^2-q_1^2+q_2^2-q_3^2 & 2(q_2q_3-q_0q_1\
            2(q_3q_1-q_0q_2) & 2(q_3q_2+q_0q_1) & q_0^2-q_1^2-q_2^2+q_3^2

            We then have:

            • $hatu=Qhati$,

            • $hatv=Qhatj$,

            • $hatw=Qhatk=hatn$.

            The new coordinate of $p$ becomes

            share|cite|improve this answer

            Based on the answer of @Muphrid and using the formula given at:


            I summarize the steps for later reference:

            Let $hatn = n/|n|$, $theta=cos^-1(hatkcdot hatn)$, $b=hatktimes hatn$, and
            $hatb=(hatb_x,hatb_y,hatb_z)=b/|b|$. Then define:

            • $q_0=cos(theta/2)$,

            • $q_1=sin(theta/2)hatb_x$,

            • $q_2=sin(theta/2)hatb_y$,

            • $q_3=sin(theta/2)hatb_z$,


            q_0^2+q_1^2-q_2^2-q_3^2 & 2(q_1q_2-q_0q_3) & 2(q_1q_3+q_0q_2)\
            2(q_2q_1+q_0q_3) & q_0^2-q_1^2+q_2^2-q_3^2 & 2(q_2q_3-q_0q_1\
            2(q_3q_1-q_0q_2) & 2(q_3q_2+q_0q_1) & q_0^2-q_1^2-q_2^2+q_3^2

            We then have:

            • $hatu=Qhati$,

            • $hatv=Qhatj$,

            • $hatw=Qhatk=hatn$.

            The new coordinate of $p$ becomes

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            edited Sep 18 '16 at 7:44

            answered Oct 29 '13 at 0:23

            Håkon Hægland



            • Yeah, I guess matlab may not have a good quaternion to matrix conversion function built in, or it may be they assume you'll just use quats to do rotations without going to a matrix representation.
              – Muphrid
              Oct 29 '13 at 1:02

            • Excuse me for commenting so long after your post, but I came across this Q&A while almost posting a similar question just now. Your $hat kcdot n$ argument to $cos^-1$ ... that should be $hat n$, right? A unit vector in the $vec n$-direction (otherwise $cos^-1$ might get out-of-bounds args)? Thanks.
              – John Forkosh
              Sep 18 '16 at 5:25

            • 1

              @JohnForkosh Thanks for the comment! I have updated the answer.
              – Håkon Hægland
              Sep 18 '16 at 7:44

            • Thanks for the clarification, HÃ¥kon. I've added an "answer" below that just extends this comment becuase the image can't be put in a comment...
              – John Forkosh
              Sep 18 '16 at 9:49

            • Yeah, I guess matlab may not have a good quaternion to matrix conversion function built in, or it may be they assume you'll just use quats to do rotations without going to a matrix representation.
              – Muphrid
              Oct 29 '13 at 1:02

            • Excuse me for commenting so long after your post, but I came across this Q&A while almost posting a similar question just now. Your $hat kcdot n$ argument to $cos^-1$ ... that should be $hat n$, right? A unit vector in the $vec n$-direction (otherwise $cos^-1$ might get out-of-bounds args)? Thanks.
              – John Forkosh
              Sep 18 '16 at 5:25

            • 1

              @JohnForkosh Thanks for the comment! I have updated the answer.
              – Håkon Hægland
              Sep 18 '16 at 7:44

            • Thanks for the clarification, HÃ¥kon. I've added an "answer" below that just extends this comment becuase the image can't be put in a comment...
              – John Forkosh
              Sep 18 '16 at 9:49

            Yeah, I guess matlab may not have a good quaternion to matrix conversion function built in, or it may be they assume you'll just use quats to do rotations without going to a matrix representation.
            – Muphrid
            Oct 29 '13 at 1:02

            Yeah, I guess matlab may not have a good quaternion to matrix conversion function built in, or it may be they assume you'll just use quats to do rotations without going to a matrix representation.
            – Muphrid
            Oct 29 '13 at 1:02

            Excuse me for commenting so long after your post, but I came across this Q&A while almost posting a similar question just now. Your $hat kcdot n$ argument to $cos^-1$ ... that should be $hat n$, right? A unit vector in the $vec n$-direction (otherwise $cos^-1$ might get out-of-bounds args)? Thanks.
            – John Forkosh
            Sep 18 '16 at 5:25

            Excuse me for commenting so long after your post, but I came across this Q&A while almost posting a similar question just now. Your $hat kcdot n$ argument to $cos^-1$ ... that should be $hat n$, right? A unit vector in the $vec n$-direction (otherwise $cos^-1$ might get out-of-bounds args)? Thanks.
            – John Forkosh
            Sep 18 '16 at 5:25



            @JohnForkosh Thanks for the comment! I have updated the answer.
            – Håkon Hægland
            Sep 18 '16 at 7:44

            @JohnForkosh Thanks for the comment! I have updated the answer.
            – Håkon Hægland
            Sep 18 '16 at 7:44

            Thanks for the clarification, HÃ¥kon. I've added an "answer" below that just extends this comment becuase the image can't be put in a comment...
            – John Forkosh
            Sep 18 '16 at 9:49

            Thanks for the clarification, HÃ¥kon. I've added an "answer" below that just extends this comment becuase the image can't be put in a comment...
            – John Forkosh
            Sep 18 '16 at 9:49

            up vote
            down vote

            Thanks for clarifying your preceding answer in reply to my comment, @HåkonHægland I was studying it so very closely because I want/intend to code it in my "stringart" (technically, "symmography") C program that does stuff like this...

            enter image description here

            So the projective geometry code already kind of works, but is ad-hoc/ugly/etc, and I've been meaning to develop a little library for these manipulations, and try to write it as elegantly as I can. So I want to get the approach (quaternions, euler angles, what have you) and the corresponding math completely and correctly figured out first.

            Edit I've cobbled together a first cut of that little library, based on your algorithms above (and on the page you linked), which is gpl'ed, and which you can get from

            It has an embedded test driver

            cc -DQRTESTDRIVE quatrot.c -lm -o quatrot

            and seems to be working exactly as you advertised. The comment block in the test driver main() has simple usage instructions. I'm not 100% happy with the functional decomposition yet, i.e., should simultaneously be easy-to-use for the programmer while intuitively obvious for the mathematician. But the main thing is it works (seems to as far as I've tested it). The whole thing is 460 lines, so I won't reproduce it all here (easier to just get it from the link above, anyway). Two of the functions, mainly based on are...

            /* ==========================================================================
            * Function: qrotate ( LINE axis, double theta )
            * Purpose: returns quaternion corresponding to rotation
            * through theta (**in radians**) around axis
            * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            * Arguments: axis (I) LINE axis around which rotation by theta
            * is to occur
            * theta (I) double theta rotation **in radians**
            * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            * Returns: ( QUAT ) quaternion corresponding to rotation
            * through theta around axis
            * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            * Notes: o Rotation direction determined by right-hand screw rule
            * (when subsequent qmultiply() is called with istranspose=0)
            * ======================================================================= */
            /* --- entry point --- */
            QUAT qrotate ( LINE axis, double theta )

            /* --- allocations and declarations --- */
            QUAT q = cos(0.5*theta), 0.,0.,0. ; /* constructed quaternion */
            double x = axis.pt2.x - axis.pt1.x, /* length of x-component of axis */
            y = axis.pt2.y - axis.pt1.y, /* length of y-component of axis */
            z = axis.pt2.z - axis.pt1.z; /* length of z-component of axis */
            double r = sqrt((x*x)+(y*y)+(z*z)); /* length of axis */
            double qsin = sin(0.5*theta); /* for q1,q2,q3 components */
            /* --- construct quaternion and return it to caller */
            if ( r >= 0.0000001 ) /* error check */
            q.q1 = qsin*x/r; /* x-component */
            q.q2 = qsin*y/r; /* y-component */
            q.q3 = qsin*z/r; /* z-component */
            return ( q );
            /* --- end-of-function qrotate() --- */

            /* ==========================================================================
            * Function: qmatrix ( QUAT q )
            * Purpose: returns 3x3 rotation matrix corresponding to quaternion q
            * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            * Arguments: q (I) QUAT q for which a rotation matrix
            * is to be constructed
            * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            * Returns: ( double * ) 3x3 rotation matrix, stored row-wise
            * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            * Notes: o The matrix constructed from input q = q0+q1*i+q2*j+q3*k is:
            * (q0²+q1²-q2²-q3²) 2(q1q2-q0q3) 2(q1q3+q0q2)
            * Q = 2(q2q1+q0q3) (q0²-q1²+q2²-q3²) 2(q2q3-q0q1)
            * 2(q3q1-q0q2) 2(q3q2+q0q1) (q0²-q1²-q2²+q3²)
            * o The returned matrix is stored row-wise, i.e., explicitly
            * --------- first row ----------
            * qmatrix[0] = (q0²+q1²-q2²-q3²)
            * [1] = 2(q1q2-q0q3)
            * [2] = 2(q1q3+q0q2)
            * --------- second row ---------
            * [3] = 2(q2q1+q0q3)
            * [4] = (q0²-q1²+q2²-q3²)
            * [5] = 2(q2q3-q0q1)
            * --------- third row ----------
            * [6] = 2(q3q1-q0q2)
            * [7] = 2(q3q2+q0q1)
            * [8] = (q0²-q1²-q2²+q3²)
            * o qmatrix maintains a static buffer of 64 3x3 matrices
            * returned to the caller one at a time. So you may issue
            * 64 qmatrix() calls and continue using all returned matrices.
            * But the 65th call re-uses the memory used by the 1st call, etc.
            * ======================================================================= */
            /* --- entry point --- */
            double *qmatrix ( QUAT q )

            /* --- allocations and declarations --- */
            static double Qbuff[64][9]; /* up to 64 calls before wrap-around */
            static int ibuff = (-1); /* Qbuff[ibuff] index 0<=ibuff<=63 */
            double *Q = NULL; /* returned ptr Q=Qbuff[ibuff] */
            double q0=q.q0, q1=q.q1, q2=q.q2, q3=q.q3; /* input quaternion components */
            double q02=q0*q0, q12=q1*q1, q22=q2*q2, q32=q3*q3; /* components squared */
            /* --- first maintain Qbuff[ibuff] buffer --- */
            if ( ++ibuff > 63 ) ibuff=0; /* wrap Qbuff[ibuff] index */
            Q = Qbuff[ibuff]; /* ptr to current 3x3 buffer */
            /* --- just do the algebra described in the above comments --- */
            Q[0] = (q02+q12-q22-q32);
            Q[1] = 2.*(q1*q2-q0*q3);
            Q[2] = 2.*(q1*q3+q0*q2);
            Q[3] = 2.*(q2*q1+q0*q3);
            Q[4] = (q02-q12+q22-q32);
            Q[5] = 2.*(q2*q3-q0*q1);
            Q[6] = 2.*(q3*q1-q0*q2);
            Q[7] = 2.*(q3*q2+q0*q1);
            Q[8] = (q02-q12-q22+q32);
            /* --- return constructed quaternion to caller */
            return ( Q );
            /* --- end-of-function qmatrix() --- */

            It's the main() test driver that contains the code based on your additional discussion rotating $x,y,zto u,v,w$, and then projecting given point $p$ to get components along the new axes (snippet)...

             int ipt=0, npts=4; /* testpoints index, #test points */
            POINT testpoints = /* test points for quatrot funcs */
            000.,000.,000., 100.,000.,000., 000.,100.,000., 000.,000.,100.
            /* --- test data for simple rotations around given test axis --- */
            QUAT q = qrotate(axis,pi*theta/180.); /* rotation quaternion */
            double *Q = qmatrix(q); /* quat rotation matrix */
            /* --- test data to rotate z-axis to given axis and project points --- */
            double thetatoz = acos(dotprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* rotate axis to z */
            LINE bhat = unitvec(crossprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* as per stackexch */
            QUAT qtoz = qrotate(bhat,thetatoz); /* quat to rotate z to axis */
            double *Qtoz = qmatrix(qtoz); /* quat matrix to rotate z to axis */
            LINE uhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,ihat.pt2,0) , /*new x-axis*/
            vhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,jhat.pt2,0) , /*new y-axis*/
            what = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,khat.pt2,0) ; /*z=testaxis?*/
            /* --- apply rotations/projections to testpoints --- */
            fprintf(msgfp," theta: %.3fn",theta);
            prtline (" axis:",&axis);
            for ( ipt=0; ipt<npts; ipt++ ) /* rotate each test point */
            /* --- select test point --- */
            POINT pt = testpoints[ipt]; /* current test point */
            /* --- rotate test point around axis in existing x,y,z coords --- */
            POINT ptrot = qmultiply(Q,pt,0); /* rotate pt around axis by theta */
            POINT pttran= qmultiply(Q,pt,1); /* transpose rotation */
            /* --- project test point to rotated axes, where given axis=z-axis --- */
            POINT pttoz = dotprod(pt,uhat),dotprod(pt,vhat),dotprod(pt,what) ;
            /* --- display test results --- */
            prtpoint(" testpoint: ",&pt); /* current test point... */
            prtpoint(" rotated: ",&ptrot); /* ...rotated around given axis */
            prtpoint(" transpose rot: ",&pttran); /* ...transpose rotation */
            prtpoint(" axis=z-axis: ",&pttoz); /* ...coords when axis=z-axis */
            /* --- end-of-for(ipt) --- */

            That snippet above may be a little difficult to read out-of-context (see the main() function for full context), but it's the stuff there like...

             /* --- test data to rotate z-axis to given axis and project points --- */
            double thetatoz = acos(dotprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* rotate axis to z */
            LINE bhat = unitvec(crossprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* as per stackexch */
            QUAT qtoz = qrotate(bhat,thetatoz); /* quat to rotate z to axis */
            double *Qtoz = qmatrix(qtoz); /* quat matrix to rotate z to axis */
            LINE uhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,ihat.pt2,0) , /*new x-axis*/
            vhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,jhat.pt2,0) , /*new y-axis*/
            what = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,khat.pt2,0) ; /*z=testaxis?*/

            which is pretty much word-for-word, so to speak, what you wrote above. At least I hope it is.:)

            share|cite|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote

              Thanks for clarifying your preceding answer in reply to my comment, @HåkonHægland I was studying it so very closely because I want/intend to code it in my "stringart" (technically, "symmography") C program that does stuff like this...

              enter image description here

              So the projective geometry code already kind of works, but is ad-hoc/ugly/etc, and I've been meaning to develop a little library for these manipulations, and try to write it as elegantly as I can. So I want to get the approach (quaternions, euler angles, what have you) and the corresponding math completely and correctly figured out first.

              Edit I've cobbled together a first cut of that little library, based on your algorithms above (and on the page you linked), which is gpl'ed, and which you can get from

              It has an embedded test driver

              cc -DQRTESTDRIVE quatrot.c -lm -o quatrot

              and seems to be working exactly as you advertised. The comment block in the test driver main() has simple usage instructions. I'm not 100% happy with the functional decomposition yet, i.e., should simultaneously be easy-to-use for the programmer while intuitively obvious for the mathematician. But the main thing is it works (seems to as far as I've tested it). The whole thing is 460 lines, so I won't reproduce it all here (easier to just get it from the link above, anyway). Two of the functions, mainly based on are...

              /* ==========================================================================
              * Function: qrotate ( LINE axis, double theta )
              * Purpose: returns quaternion corresponding to rotation
              * through theta (**in radians**) around axis
              * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
              * Arguments: axis (I) LINE axis around which rotation by theta
              * is to occur
              * theta (I) double theta rotation **in radians**
              * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
              * Returns: ( QUAT ) quaternion corresponding to rotation
              * through theta around axis
              * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
              * Notes: o Rotation direction determined by right-hand screw rule
              * (when subsequent qmultiply() is called with istranspose=0)
              * ======================================================================= */
              /* --- entry point --- */
              QUAT qrotate ( LINE axis, double theta )

              /* --- allocations and declarations --- */
              QUAT q = cos(0.5*theta), 0.,0.,0. ; /* constructed quaternion */
              double x = axis.pt2.x - axis.pt1.x, /* length of x-component of axis */
              y = axis.pt2.y - axis.pt1.y, /* length of y-component of axis */
              z = axis.pt2.z - axis.pt1.z; /* length of z-component of axis */
              double r = sqrt((x*x)+(y*y)+(z*z)); /* length of axis */
              double qsin = sin(0.5*theta); /* for q1,q2,q3 components */
              /* --- construct quaternion and return it to caller */
              if ( r >= 0.0000001 ) /* error check */
              q.q1 = qsin*x/r; /* x-component */
              q.q2 = qsin*y/r; /* y-component */
              q.q3 = qsin*z/r; /* z-component */
              return ( q );
              /* --- end-of-function qrotate() --- */

              /* ==========================================================================
              * Function: qmatrix ( QUAT q )
              * Purpose: returns 3x3 rotation matrix corresponding to quaternion q
              * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
              * Arguments: q (I) QUAT q for which a rotation matrix
              * is to be constructed
              * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
              * Returns: ( double * ) 3x3 rotation matrix, stored row-wise
              * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
              * Notes: o The matrix constructed from input q = q0+q1*i+q2*j+q3*k is:
              * (q0²+q1²-q2²-q3²) 2(q1q2-q0q3) 2(q1q3+q0q2)
              * Q = 2(q2q1+q0q3) (q0²-q1²+q2²-q3²) 2(q2q3-q0q1)
              * 2(q3q1-q0q2) 2(q3q2+q0q1) (q0²-q1²-q2²+q3²)
              * o The returned matrix is stored row-wise, i.e., explicitly
              * --------- first row ----------
              * qmatrix[0] = (q0²+q1²-q2²-q3²)
              * [1] = 2(q1q2-q0q3)
              * [2] = 2(q1q3+q0q2)
              * --------- second row ---------
              * [3] = 2(q2q1+q0q3)
              * [4] = (q0²-q1²+q2²-q3²)
              * [5] = 2(q2q3-q0q1)
              * --------- third row ----------
              * [6] = 2(q3q1-q0q2)
              * [7] = 2(q3q2+q0q1)
              * [8] = (q0²-q1²-q2²+q3²)
              * o qmatrix maintains a static buffer of 64 3x3 matrices
              * returned to the caller one at a time. So you may issue
              * 64 qmatrix() calls and continue using all returned matrices.
              * But the 65th call re-uses the memory used by the 1st call, etc.
              * ======================================================================= */
              /* --- entry point --- */
              double *qmatrix ( QUAT q )

              /* --- allocations and declarations --- */
              static double Qbuff[64][9]; /* up to 64 calls before wrap-around */
              static int ibuff = (-1); /* Qbuff[ibuff] index 0<=ibuff<=63 */
              double *Q = NULL; /* returned ptr Q=Qbuff[ibuff] */
              double q0=q.q0, q1=q.q1, q2=q.q2, q3=q.q3; /* input quaternion components */
              double q02=q0*q0, q12=q1*q1, q22=q2*q2, q32=q3*q3; /* components squared */
              /* --- first maintain Qbuff[ibuff] buffer --- */
              if ( ++ibuff > 63 ) ibuff=0; /* wrap Qbuff[ibuff] index */
              Q = Qbuff[ibuff]; /* ptr to current 3x3 buffer */
              /* --- just do the algebra described in the above comments --- */
              Q[0] = (q02+q12-q22-q32);
              Q[1] = 2.*(q1*q2-q0*q3);
              Q[2] = 2.*(q1*q3+q0*q2);
              Q[3] = 2.*(q2*q1+q0*q3);
              Q[4] = (q02-q12+q22-q32);
              Q[5] = 2.*(q2*q3-q0*q1);
              Q[6] = 2.*(q3*q1-q0*q2);
              Q[7] = 2.*(q3*q2+q0*q1);
              Q[8] = (q02-q12-q22+q32);
              /* --- return constructed quaternion to caller */
              return ( Q );
              /* --- end-of-function qmatrix() --- */

              It's the main() test driver that contains the code based on your additional discussion rotating $x,y,zto u,v,w$, and then projecting given point $p$ to get components along the new axes (snippet)...

               int ipt=0, npts=4; /* testpoints index, #test points */
              POINT testpoints = /* test points for quatrot funcs */
              000.,000.,000., 100.,000.,000., 000.,100.,000., 000.,000.,100.
              /* --- test data for simple rotations around given test axis --- */
              QUAT q = qrotate(axis,pi*theta/180.); /* rotation quaternion */
              double *Q = qmatrix(q); /* quat rotation matrix */
              /* --- test data to rotate z-axis to given axis and project points --- */
              double thetatoz = acos(dotprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* rotate axis to z */
              LINE bhat = unitvec(crossprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* as per stackexch */
              QUAT qtoz = qrotate(bhat,thetatoz); /* quat to rotate z to axis */
              double *Qtoz = qmatrix(qtoz); /* quat matrix to rotate z to axis */
              LINE uhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,ihat.pt2,0) , /*new x-axis*/
              vhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,jhat.pt2,0) , /*new y-axis*/
              what = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,khat.pt2,0) ; /*z=testaxis?*/
              /* --- apply rotations/projections to testpoints --- */
              fprintf(msgfp," theta: %.3fn",theta);
              prtline (" axis:",&axis);
              for ( ipt=0; ipt<npts; ipt++ ) /* rotate each test point */
              /* --- select test point --- */
              POINT pt = testpoints[ipt]; /* current test point */
              /* --- rotate test point around axis in existing x,y,z coords --- */
              POINT ptrot = qmultiply(Q,pt,0); /* rotate pt around axis by theta */
              POINT pttran= qmultiply(Q,pt,1); /* transpose rotation */
              /* --- project test point to rotated axes, where given axis=z-axis --- */
              POINT pttoz = dotprod(pt,uhat),dotprod(pt,vhat),dotprod(pt,what) ;
              /* --- display test results --- */
              prtpoint(" testpoint: ",&pt); /* current test point... */
              prtpoint(" rotated: ",&ptrot); /* ...rotated around given axis */
              prtpoint(" transpose rot: ",&pttran); /* ...transpose rotation */
              prtpoint(" axis=z-axis: ",&pttoz); /* ...coords when axis=z-axis */
              /* --- end-of-for(ipt) --- */

              That snippet above may be a little difficult to read out-of-context (see the main() function for full context), but it's the stuff there like...

               /* --- test data to rotate z-axis to given axis and project points --- */
              double thetatoz = acos(dotprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* rotate axis to z */
              LINE bhat = unitvec(crossprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* as per stackexch */
              QUAT qtoz = qrotate(bhat,thetatoz); /* quat to rotate z to axis */
              double *Qtoz = qmatrix(qtoz); /* quat matrix to rotate z to axis */
              LINE uhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,ihat.pt2,0) , /*new x-axis*/
              vhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,jhat.pt2,0) , /*new y-axis*/
              what = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,khat.pt2,0) ; /*z=testaxis?*/

              which is pretty much word-for-word, so to speak, what you wrote above. At least I hope it is.:)

              share|cite|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                Thanks for clarifying your preceding answer in reply to my comment, @HåkonHægland I was studying it so very closely because I want/intend to code it in my "stringart" (technically, "symmography") C program that does stuff like this...

                enter image description here

                So the projective geometry code already kind of works, but is ad-hoc/ugly/etc, and I've been meaning to develop a little library for these manipulations, and try to write it as elegantly as I can. So I want to get the approach (quaternions, euler angles, what have you) and the corresponding math completely and correctly figured out first.

                Edit I've cobbled together a first cut of that little library, based on your algorithms above (and on the page you linked), which is gpl'ed, and which you can get from

                It has an embedded test driver

                cc -DQRTESTDRIVE quatrot.c -lm -o quatrot

                and seems to be working exactly as you advertised. The comment block in the test driver main() has simple usage instructions. I'm not 100% happy with the functional decomposition yet, i.e., should simultaneously be easy-to-use for the programmer while intuitively obvious for the mathematician. But the main thing is it works (seems to as far as I've tested it). The whole thing is 460 lines, so I won't reproduce it all here (easier to just get it from the link above, anyway). Two of the functions, mainly based on are...

                /* ==========================================================================
                * Function: qrotate ( LINE axis, double theta )
                * Purpose: returns quaternion corresponding to rotation
                * through theta (**in radians**) around axis
                * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                * Arguments: axis (I) LINE axis around which rotation by theta
                * is to occur
                * theta (I) double theta rotation **in radians**
                * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                * Returns: ( QUAT ) quaternion corresponding to rotation
                * through theta around axis
                * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                * Notes: o Rotation direction determined by right-hand screw rule
                * (when subsequent qmultiply() is called with istranspose=0)
                * ======================================================================= */
                /* --- entry point --- */
                QUAT qrotate ( LINE axis, double theta )

                /* --- allocations and declarations --- */
                QUAT q = cos(0.5*theta), 0.,0.,0. ; /* constructed quaternion */
                double x = axis.pt2.x - axis.pt1.x, /* length of x-component of axis */
                y = axis.pt2.y - axis.pt1.y, /* length of y-component of axis */
                z = axis.pt2.z - axis.pt1.z; /* length of z-component of axis */
                double r = sqrt((x*x)+(y*y)+(z*z)); /* length of axis */
                double qsin = sin(0.5*theta); /* for q1,q2,q3 components */
                /* --- construct quaternion and return it to caller */
                if ( r >= 0.0000001 ) /* error check */
                q.q1 = qsin*x/r; /* x-component */
                q.q2 = qsin*y/r; /* y-component */
                q.q3 = qsin*z/r; /* z-component */
                return ( q );
                /* --- end-of-function qrotate() --- */

                /* ==========================================================================
                * Function: qmatrix ( QUAT q )
                * Purpose: returns 3x3 rotation matrix corresponding to quaternion q
                * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                * Arguments: q (I) QUAT q for which a rotation matrix
                * is to be constructed
                * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                * Returns: ( double * ) 3x3 rotation matrix, stored row-wise
                * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                * Notes: o The matrix constructed from input q = q0+q1*i+q2*j+q3*k is:
                * (q0²+q1²-q2²-q3²) 2(q1q2-q0q3) 2(q1q3+q0q2)
                * Q = 2(q2q1+q0q3) (q0²-q1²+q2²-q3²) 2(q2q3-q0q1)
                * 2(q3q1-q0q2) 2(q3q2+q0q1) (q0²-q1²-q2²+q3²)
                * o The returned matrix is stored row-wise, i.e., explicitly
                * --------- first row ----------
                * qmatrix[0] = (q0²+q1²-q2²-q3²)
                * [1] = 2(q1q2-q0q3)
                * [2] = 2(q1q3+q0q2)
                * --------- second row ---------
                * [3] = 2(q2q1+q0q3)
                * [4] = (q0²-q1²+q2²-q3²)
                * [5] = 2(q2q3-q0q1)
                * --------- third row ----------
                * [6] = 2(q3q1-q0q2)
                * [7] = 2(q3q2+q0q1)
                * [8] = (q0²-q1²-q2²+q3²)
                * o qmatrix maintains a static buffer of 64 3x3 matrices
                * returned to the caller one at a time. So you may issue
                * 64 qmatrix() calls and continue using all returned matrices.
                * But the 65th call re-uses the memory used by the 1st call, etc.
                * ======================================================================= */
                /* --- entry point --- */
                double *qmatrix ( QUAT q )

                /* --- allocations and declarations --- */
                static double Qbuff[64][9]; /* up to 64 calls before wrap-around */
                static int ibuff = (-1); /* Qbuff[ibuff] index 0<=ibuff<=63 */
                double *Q = NULL; /* returned ptr Q=Qbuff[ibuff] */
                double q0=q.q0, q1=q.q1, q2=q.q2, q3=q.q3; /* input quaternion components */
                double q02=q0*q0, q12=q1*q1, q22=q2*q2, q32=q3*q3; /* components squared */
                /* --- first maintain Qbuff[ibuff] buffer --- */
                if ( ++ibuff > 63 ) ibuff=0; /* wrap Qbuff[ibuff] index */
                Q = Qbuff[ibuff]; /* ptr to current 3x3 buffer */
                /* --- just do the algebra described in the above comments --- */
                Q[0] = (q02+q12-q22-q32);
                Q[1] = 2.*(q1*q2-q0*q3);
                Q[2] = 2.*(q1*q3+q0*q2);
                Q[3] = 2.*(q2*q1+q0*q3);
                Q[4] = (q02-q12+q22-q32);
                Q[5] = 2.*(q2*q3-q0*q1);
                Q[6] = 2.*(q3*q1-q0*q2);
                Q[7] = 2.*(q3*q2+q0*q1);
                Q[8] = (q02-q12-q22+q32);
                /* --- return constructed quaternion to caller */
                return ( Q );
                /* --- end-of-function qmatrix() --- */

                It's the main() test driver that contains the code based on your additional discussion rotating $x,y,zto u,v,w$, and then projecting given point $p$ to get components along the new axes (snippet)...

                 int ipt=0, npts=4; /* testpoints index, #test points */
                POINT testpoints = /* test points for quatrot funcs */
                000.,000.,000., 100.,000.,000., 000.,100.,000., 000.,000.,100.
                /* --- test data for simple rotations around given test axis --- */
                QUAT q = qrotate(axis,pi*theta/180.); /* rotation quaternion */
                double *Q = qmatrix(q); /* quat rotation matrix */
                /* --- test data to rotate z-axis to given axis and project points --- */
                double thetatoz = acos(dotprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* rotate axis to z */
                LINE bhat = unitvec(crossprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* as per stackexch */
                QUAT qtoz = qrotate(bhat,thetatoz); /* quat to rotate z to axis */
                double *Qtoz = qmatrix(qtoz); /* quat matrix to rotate z to axis */
                LINE uhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,ihat.pt2,0) , /*new x-axis*/
                vhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,jhat.pt2,0) , /*new y-axis*/
                what = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,khat.pt2,0) ; /*z=testaxis?*/
                /* --- apply rotations/projections to testpoints --- */
                fprintf(msgfp," theta: %.3fn",theta);
                prtline (" axis:",&axis);
                for ( ipt=0; ipt<npts; ipt++ ) /* rotate each test point */
                /* --- select test point --- */
                POINT pt = testpoints[ipt]; /* current test point */
                /* --- rotate test point around axis in existing x,y,z coords --- */
                POINT ptrot = qmultiply(Q,pt,0); /* rotate pt around axis by theta */
                POINT pttran= qmultiply(Q,pt,1); /* transpose rotation */
                /* --- project test point to rotated axes, where given axis=z-axis --- */
                POINT pttoz = dotprod(pt,uhat),dotprod(pt,vhat),dotprod(pt,what) ;
                /* --- display test results --- */
                prtpoint(" testpoint: ",&pt); /* current test point... */
                prtpoint(" rotated: ",&ptrot); /* ...rotated around given axis */
                prtpoint(" transpose rot: ",&pttran); /* ...transpose rotation */
                prtpoint(" axis=z-axis: ",&pttoz); /* ...coords when axis=z-axis */
                /* --- end-of-for(ipt) --- */

                That snippet above may be a little difficult to read out-of-context (see the main() function for full context), but it's the stuff there like...

                 /* --- test data to rotate z-axis to given axis and project points --- */
                double thetatoz = acos(dotprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* rotate axis to z */
                LINE bhat = unitvec(crossprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* as per stackexch */
                QUAT qtoz = qrotate(bhat,thetatoz); /* quat to rotate z to axis */
                double *Qtoz = qmatrix(qtoz); /* quat matrix to rotate z to axis */
                LINE uhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,ihat.pt2,0) , /*new x-axis*/
                vhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,jhat.pt2,0) , /*new y-axis*/
                what = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,khat.pt2,0) ; /*z=testaxis?*/

                which is pretty much word-for-word, so to speak, what you wrote above. At least I hope it is.:)

                share|cite|improve this answer

                Thanks for clarifying your preceding answer in reply to my comment, @HåkonHægland I was studying it so very closely because I want/intend to code it in my "stringart" (technically, "symmography") C program that does stuff like this...

                enter image description here

                So the projective geometry code already kind of works, but is ad-hoc/ugly/etc, and I've been meaning to develop a little library for these manipulations, and try to write it as elegantly as I can. So I want to get the approach (quaternions, euler angles, what have you) and the corresponding math completely and correctly figured out first.

                Edit I've cobbled together a first cut of that little library, based on your algorithms above (and on the page you linked), which is gpl'ed, and which you can get from

                It has an embedded test driver

                cc -DQRTESTDRIVE quatrot.c -lm -o quatrot

                and seems to be working exactly as you advertised. The comment block in the test driver main() has simple usage instructions. I'm not 100% happy with the functional decomposition yet, i.e., should simultaneously be easy-to-use for the programmer while intuitively obvious for the mathematician. But the main thing is it works (seems to as far as I've tested it). The whole thing is 460 lines, so I won't reproduce it all here (easier to just get it from the link above, anyway). Two of the functions, mainly based on are...

                /* ==========================================================================
                * Function: qrotate ( LINE axis, double theta )
                * Purpose: returns quaternion corresponding to rotation
                * through theta (**in radians**) around axis
                * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                * Arguments: axis (I) LINE axis around which rotation by theta
                * is to occur
                * theta (I) double theta rotation **in radians**
                * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                * Returns: ( QUAT ) quaternion corresponding to rotation
                * through theta around axis
                * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                * Notes: o Rotation direction determined by right-hand screw rule
                * (when subsequent qmultiply() is called with istranspose=0)
                * ======================================================================= */
                /* --- entry point --- */
                QUAT qrotate ( LINE axis, double theta )

                /* --- allocations and declarations --- */
                QUAT q = cos(0.5*theta), 0.,0.,0. ; /* constructed quaternion */
                double x = axis.pt2.x - axis.pt1.x, /* length of x-component of axis */
                y = axis.pt2.y - axis.pt1.y, /* length of y-component of axis */
                z = axis.pt2.z - axis.pt1.z; /* length of z-component of axis */
                double r = sqrt((x*x)+(y*y)+(z*z)); /* length of axis */
                double qsin = sin(0.5*theta); /* for q1,q2,q3 components */
                /* --- construct quaternion and return it to caller */
                if ( r >= 0.0000001 ) /* error check */
                q.q1 = qsin*x/r; /* x-component */
                q.q2 = qsin*y/r; /* y-component */
                q.q3 = qsin*z/r; /* z-component */
                return ( q );
                /* --- end-of-function qrotate() --- */

                /* ==========================================================================
                * Function: qmatrix ( QUAT q )
                * Purpose: returns 3x3 rotation matrix corresponding to quaternion q
                * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                * Arguments: q (I) QUAT q for which a rotation matrix
                * is to be constructed
                * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                * Returns: ( double * ) 3x3 rotation matrix, stored row-wise
                * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                * Notes: o The matrix constructed from input q = q0+q1*i+q2*j+q3*k is:
                * (q0²+q1²-q2²-q3²) 2(q1q2-q0q3) 2(q1q3+q0q2)
                * Q = 2(q2q1+q0q3) (q0²-q1²+q2²-q3²) 2(q2q3-q0q1)
                * 2(q3q1-q0q2) 2(q3q2+q0q1) (q0²-q1²-q2²+q3²)
                * o The returned matrix is stored row-wise, i.e., explicitly
                * --------- first row ----------
                * qmatrix[0] = (q0²+q1²-q2²-q3²)
                * [1] = 2(q1q2-q0q3)
                * [2] = 2(q1q3+q0q2)
                * --------- second row ---------
                * [3] = 2(q2q1+q0q3)
                * [4] = (q0²-q1²+q2²-q3²)
                * [5] = 2(q2q3-q0q1)
                * --------- third row ----------
                * [6] = 2(q3q1-q0q2)
                * [7] = 2(q3q2+q0q1)
                * [8] = (q0²-q1²-q2²+q3²)
                * o qmatrix maintains a static buffer of 64 3x3 matrices
                * returned to the caller one at a time. So you may issue
                * 64 qmatrix() calls and continue using all returned matrices.
                * But the 65th call re-uses the memory used by the 1st call, etc.
                * ======================================================================= */
                /* --- entry point --- */
                double *qmatrix ( QUAT q )

                /* --- allocations and declarations --- */
                static double Qbuff[64][9]; /* up to 64 calls before wrap-around */
                static int ibuff = (-1); /* Qbuff[ibuff] index 0<=ibuff<=63 */
                double *Q = NULL; /* returned ptr Q=Qbuff[ibuff] */
                double q0=q.q0, q1=q.q1, q2=q.q2, q3=q.q3; /* input quaternion components */
                double q02=q0*q0, q12=q1*q1, q22=q2*q2, q32=q3*q3; /* components squared */
                /* --- first maintain Qbuff[ibuff] buffer --- */
                if ( ++ibuff > 63 ) ibuff=0; /* wrap Qbuff[ibuff] index */
                Q = Qbuff[ibuff]; /* ptr to current 3x3 buffer */
                /* --- just do the algebra described in the above comments --- */
                Q[0] = (q02+q12-q22-q32);
                Q[1] = 2.*(q1*q2-q0*q3);
                Q[2] = 2.*(q1*q3+q0*q2);
                Q[3] = 2.*(q2*q1+q0*q3);
                Q[4] = (q02-q12+q22-q32);
                Q[5] = 2.*(q2*q3-q0*q1);
                Q[6] = 2.*(q3*q1-q0*q2);
                Q[7] = 2.*(q3*q2+q0*q1);
                Q[8] = (q02-q12-q22+q32);
                /* --- return constructed quaternion to caller */
                return ( Q );
                /* --- end-of-function qmatrix() --- */

                It's the main() test driver that contains the code based on your additional discussion rotating $x,y,zto u,v,w$, and then projecting given point $p$ to get components along the new axes (snippet)...

                 int ipt=0, npts=4; /* testpoints index, #test points */
                POINT testpoints = /* test points for quatrot funcs */
                000.,000.,000., 100.,000.,000., 000.,100.,000., 000.,000.,100.
                /* --- test data for simple rotations around given test axis --- */
                QUAT q = qrotate(axis,pi*theta/180.); /* rotation quaternion */
                double *Q = qmatrix(q); /* quat rotation matrix */
                /* --- test data to rotate z-axis to given axis and project points --- */
                double thetatoz = acos(dotprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* rotate axis to z */
                LINE bhat = unitvec(crossprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* as per stackexch */
                QUAT qtoz = qrotate(bhat,thetatoz); /* quat to rotate z to axis */
                double *Qtoz = qmatrix(qtoz); /* quat matrix to rotate z to axis */
                LINE uhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,ihat.pt2,0) , /*new x-axis*/
                vhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,jhat.pt2,0) , /*new y-axis*/
                what = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,khat.pt2,0) ; /*z=testaxis?*/
                /* --- apply rotations/projections to testpoints --- */
                fprintf(msgfp," theta: %.3fn",theta);
                prtline (" axis:",&axis);
                for ( ipt=0; ipt<npts; ipt++ ) /* rotate each test point */
                /* --- select test point --- */
                POINT pt = testpoints[ipt]; /* current test point */
                /* --- rotate test point around axis in existing x,y,z coords --- */
                POINT ptrot = qmultiply(Q,pt,0); /* rotate pt around axis by theta */
                POINT pttran= qmultiply(Q,pt,1); /* transpose rotation */
                /* --- project test point to rotated axes, where given axis=z-axis --- */
                POINT pttoz = dotprod(pt,uhat),dotprod(pt,vhat),dotprod(pt,what) ;
                /* --- display test results --- */
                prtpoint(" testpoint: ",&pt); /* current test point... */
                prtpoint(" rotated: ",&ptrot); /* ...rotated around given axis */
                prtpoint(" transpose rot: ",&pttran); /* ...transpose rotation */
                prtpoint(" axis=z-axis: ",&pttoz); /* ...coords when axis=z-axis */
                /* --- end-of-for(ipt) --- */

                That snippet above may be a little difficult to read out-of-context (see the main() function for full context), but it's the stuff there like...

                 /* --- test data to rotate z-axis to given axis and project points --- */
                double thetatoz = acos(dotprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* rotate axis to z */
                LINE bhat = unitvec(crossprod(khat,unitvec(axis))); /* as per stackexch */
                QUAT qtoz = qrotate(bhat,thetatoz); /* quat to rotate z to axis */
                double *Qtoz = qmatrix(qtoz); /* quat matrix to rotate z to axis */
                LINE uhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,ihat.pt2,0) , /*new x-axis*/
                vhat = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,jhat.pt2,0) , /*new y-axis*/
                what = 0.,0.,0., qmultiply(Qtoz,khat.pt2,0) ; /*z=testaxis?*/

                which is pretty much word-for-word, so to speak, what you wrote above. At least I hope it is.:)

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                edited Aug 20 at 6:38

                answered Sep 18 '16 at 9:46

                John Forkosh




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