Using induction to show associativity on $x_1+dots + x_n$
Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 1 down vote favorite I want to use induction to show that the sum $x_1 + dots + x_n$ of real numbers is defined independently of parentheses to specify order of addition. I know how to apply induction(base, assumption, k+1 applying inductive hypothesis). Here I am not sure what the base would be. I have two ideas: 1) First case is $(x_1 + x_2)+x_3+dots+x_n$ and work through to $x_1+x_2+dots+x_n-2 + (x_n-1 + x_n)$ 2) Start with $(x_1+x_2)+x_3=x_1+(x_2+x_3)$ and work up in number of elements to the full case. Both seem wrong, I have no idea what to actually do. I imagine above is sufficient effort, although I have shown no working. Before you downvote, please tell me why you are planning it, and I will edit. induction share | cite | improve this question edited Jan 29 '15 at 7:12 Asaf Karagila ⦠295k 32 411 738 asked Jan 29 '15 at 5:47 qqqqq 6 1 You cool with Peano's ax...